On last week's episode of Arrow, we said goodbye to Laurel Lance. This week, the team struggles to come to terms with her death. Diggle, especially, since the guilt for choosing to trust Andy is taking a toll. Lance refuses to believe that she's gone and asks Nyssa to bring her back. Not only is this due to his denial, but also because of the Black Canary spotting in Star City.
May 2013.
Tonight's episode begins with a flashback to the past, to when Tommy Merlyn died. Laurel gave the eulogy for him because Oliver couldn't handle doing so. It was too painful. This episode's already hitting the emotions. Oliver didn't know where to go after the burial, so he goes to see Laurel. He tells her how he wrote page after page for a eulogy, but didn't feel he had the right to say any of those things. He failed him. He came back to make the city better and now his best friend is dead, and if she knew the truth, she'd blame him, too.
A week later, Laurel and Oliver are reminiscing about their memories with Tommy and how much Tommy loved her. Laurel proposes that they attempt to make the city a better place together. He leaves her to go to Lian Yu because she is the hero and he needs some time alone, leaving a note behind.
Diggle's guilt.
Oliver asks Diggle not to blame himself, but Diggle does. Oliver warned him and if he trusted Oliver, Laurel would be alive right now. It's evident how much the guilt is taking a toll on him.
He goes out on his own to go after Darhk's wife, not playing any games at all. Oliver stops him and that causes an argument between the both of them because Darhk's wife is the mayor and she has the media, the police force, everything that can be used against him. He has guilt and anger bottled up inside of him and he doesn't know who he is anymore. He needs to find his brother, but finding Andy won't bring her back. Oliver tells him that he can't forget who he is and they can never become them. Such a strong scene between them.
Felicity also talks to Diggle about the guilt he's feeling and tells him that she blames herself, too, but if Laurel was there, she would tell them all that none of it was their fault, especially Diggle.

After Laurel's death, another Black Canary appears in Star City, going after criminals. This causes Lance to doubt that Laurel's actually dead. Someone stole the Canary Cry device from Laurel's hospital room since it's not in the bag of her belongings from the hospital. No one else is supposed to be able to use that device, which is why Lance believes that it must be Laurel. After a check in at the morgue, her body's still there. Laurel is really dead.
In order to discover who this is, Oliver confronts the doctor who's been very good to them. He trusts her and she tells him that there's been a frequent flyer in the hospital that may be the culprit. This imposter attacks Alex next, while he's on a date with Thea, and Thea catches a look at her face. Oliver's able to go after her and when he stops her, she accuses him of leaving them in Reddington Industrial to die, whoever they are. Reddington is where Darhk held his HIVE prisoners. According to her, he failed the city. The sonic device was tampered with and she's using it at much higher decibels than Laurel ever did.
Evelyn goes after Damien's wife at a party and the Green Arrow makes an attempt to stop her before she shoots her. He tells her that if she truly wants to be the Black Canary, she should do what the Black Canary would do. The Black Canary wouldn't be killing people. After Evelyn goes, guards are ordered to arrest the Green Arrow, but as Oliver says, we've all seen this before, and he simply shoots an arrow up and gets out of the building.

Lance wants Laurel back and asks Nyssa how to bring her back. The Lazarus Pit was destroyed and she's unable to help to bring her back. Lance is determined and says that he'll find some other way to bring her back, but at some point, his entire world is going to come crashing down.
Nyssa contacts Oliver to inform him of the situation so that he can keep an eye on him. Oliver meets up with Lance after this conversation and he tells him that Laurel won't be coming back. Oliver's never lost a child, but he's lost plenty of people in his life and if there was any way to bring Laurel back, he would find it and do it, but there isn't. Laurel was Lance's rock and now she's not there anymore, and Lance finally lets himself feel the extent of the emotion that he's been bottling up inside.

Oliver feels responsible for Laurel and for that girl who's now pretending to be the Black Canary. He speaks to Felicity about it and she tells him that she feels she should've been there and blames herself, thinking that if she was there behind the screen, she would've still been here. Sometimes, they just need a reason for why things happen when a situation hurts too much, and that's why Oliver puts the blame on himself. It's a reason.
Mayor's orders.
After Diggle attacks Darhk's wife, she orders an arrest warrant for all masked vigilantes, blaming them for the horrors that are occurring in the city. She knows Laurel was the Black Canary and now the entire city is scouring for a teenager.
Remembering the Black Canary.
Evelyn destroyed Laurel's memory out there, but Oliver refuses to let that happen. She wasn't the real Black Canary. Lance and Diana go to Laurel's burial and this time, Lance makes sure Diana knows that she's not coming back, not this time. At this funeral, Oliver does give a eulogy. He speaks to who Laurel was. Being a lawyer wasn't enough for Laurel because of how much she loved the city. He tells everyone there that she was the Black Canary and she told him that before she died. She was a hero. She wasn't the picture that was painted of her in the media the past few days. He loved her and she loved him, and he knows that she'd want them to save their city.
Barry's visit.
Barry comes to say his goodbyes and Oliver tells him that it's his responsibility to handle Darhk. He's going to kill him. This is the scene we saw in the beginning of the season that teased the character death. Neither Oliver nor Felicity are okay and Felicity knows what Oliver has to do, as does Oliver. He has to kill Darhk, but he doesn't know how. His magic is too strong. It isn't just magic, it's darkness, and Oliver has never been able to face that. Felicity refuses to believe that he's unstoppable. She fell in love with him for many reasons and one of those reasons is that he always finds a way. He needs to find a way now for Laurel, the city, and all of them.
Next episode, Diggle's facing his brother Andy. Really, really great episode tonight by everyone. I loved the entire thing and it was a good way to pay tribute to Laurel after her death.
Arrow airs Wednesdays @8/7c on The CW.
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