Back To Normal.
Griffin Grey is making an appearance on The Flash this week and kidnaps Harrison Wells, mistaking him for the Earth-1 Harrison Wells. He wants to be cured from his current condition of super strength. Meanwhile, Barry's back to normal and Wally's got some questions about The Flash.
Human Again.
Regular day's in Central City aren't so regular for Barry anymore, especially since he doesn't have his speed anymore. He actually has to wait on the coffee line, take the bus, dress himself in normal time, and do everything just like everyone else does. Without his speed, he can't even try and save Caitlin.
Barry struggles with not being able to use his powers and while he's looking at the Flash suit, he talks to Iris and tells her how she was the first person he saved in the suit. He felt like he missed so much after Eddie, but he knew he could save her, and when he did, it felt like they were the only two in the world. Suit or no suit, that guy is and will always be Barry Allen because that's the kind of person he is. Iris makes it a point to make sure he knows this.
Wells' Search.
Wells got a hold of Jesse's location and is going after her. He should be leaving with help, but there's no one to help him right now, not with Barry's powers gone. Jesse's got her own place with a roommate and she refuses to leave with her father. The danger she's in is because of Wells and she wants no part of that. The line that hurt the most? She may be afraid of Zoom, but she's just as afraid of him. Ouch. After she gets word of the accident, she heads back to Central City and blames herself for what happened.

Caitlin's trapped in Zoom's lair and refuses to talk to him in the mask. Hunter tells her that he won't hurt her because he cares too much, but Caitlin doesn't care for him or trust him. He's keeping her with him because he loves her and feels that eventually she'll grow to feel the same way. (Nothing creepy about that.) He does tell her to make herself at home, though, so she's able to wander around the lair where she comes across the man in the iron mask and her own doppelgänger, Killer Frost.
Killer Frost doesn't know why Zoom needs her, but she wants out. If Caitlin helps her get out, she'll help Caitlin get home. It's a team up of the doppelgängers. Their mothers are quite similar, both very cold, and Killer Frost became Killer Frost after she was hit with the black matter from the Particle Accelerator. Using her knowledge of science, she connects some things that should heat up the glass enough so that Caitlin can break it, and she does.
That deal they had goes down the drain as soon as Killer Frost is out. She attacks Caitlin and nearly kills her, but then Zoom comes to save her and instead puts the ice crystal through Killer Frost instead. He gives her a firm warning to not try that again. Caitlin insists that she wants to leave, causing flashbacks to Zoom's mother's death, and Zoom tells her that he'll take her home with the plan to conquer more Earths, starting with Earth-1.

Wally's put multiple events together where The Flash has been around and either himself, Joe, or Iris have been there, also. He knows that The Flash has some connection to the family and also knows that Joe can't tell him who he is, but he does want to meet him. Wally wants to thank him for his life. He's done reckless things in his life, but never thought he was going to die, not until Zoom took him. He truly feels he would've died if The Flash didn't save him and he needs to tell him how much that means to him. Joe makes it happen and Wally is finally able to meet and thank The Flash. He doesn't plan on wasting the chance that he's been given to live and he's very happy about being able to say this to The Flash in person.

Griffin Grey.
On his way back after his encounter with Jesse, Wells hits a man with his van, but the man isn't hurt. That's because this man is Griffin Grey, a metahuman with super strength who is after the Harrison Wells from Earth-1. He wants the power to go away because it's caused him to grow at a very fast pace. He should be 18, but instead, is growing so fast that he'll die soon at this rate.
With his abilities gone, Barry takes the field as a human with Cisco and Joe, making their attempt to save Wells from Grey. Things become a little difficult when he starts to hurl huge, heavy barrels towards them. He knocks Barry down and then ages some more right in front of him before running away. In scientific terms, the reason why this happens is because of the way his body is dealing with proteins, but in simpler terms, the more he exerts himself, the faster he ages.
Cisco and Jesse were only able to reinforce the suit just a little bit so that Barry can take some hits, or rather a hit, without his speed and abilities to recover quickly. While they're working on their own plan, Wells has created a "cure" for Griffin, but it's not a real one because there is no way to help him.
Cisco, Joe, and Barry are back at it again, this time with Barry in the suit doing some normal fighting skills instead of the speed. Barry gets punched the one time he was allowed and the is able to move out of the way enough for Griffin to exert himself enough to the point of death, and with this death, he returns to his normal age, dying as an 18 year old.
Wells and Jesse are reunited and Jesse decides to live back home again. They finally talk about things and he says that his want to protect her comes from when her mother died. He swore on his life to keep her safe and when Zoom took her, it was a breaking point for him. Jesse understands why he did everything he did, but she needs to be able to have fun and live her life without worrying about him trying to save her. As long as she promises to never run away again, he promises to be the kind of father she can be proud of, and they promise that to each other.
Barry can't sleep because he doesn't know how to get Caitlin back without his powers. Wells can't help but think that he still hasn't paid for what he's done, especially after being captured from Griffin Grey. He can't forget about it, but Wells is going to help Barry get his speed back. His plan is to create another particle accelerator explosion.
Next episode on The Flash, Henry Allen's back and it's time to see what happens with this new Particle Accelerator Explosion plan. Great episode tonight, especially the scenes with Wally & Joe and Caitlin. I'm exciting to see what happens next.
The Flash airs Tuesdays @8/7c on The CW.
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