Every 27 years, a new set of mysterious disappearances occur in a small town in Colorado and Sam and Dean head there to investigate. There, they meet two hunters who have their own personal vendetta against these monsters.

Naked, hairless, pale, human-looking creatures with eyes that flashed green, and absolutely no sign of a gender. There's also a buzzing sound. That's the description the victim's friend gives Dean.

Sam and Jessy split from Cesar and Dean in order to find out more information. On their drive, Jessy explains that he found his brother after he saw him be taken, but then he saw his eyes and he took off running. He never saw him again after that. They go to speak to a man named Mr. Cochran to ask questions and explain that they're there because more people have gone missing. He followed one back in '89 back to it's lair. He found his daughter there, meanwhile she was supposed to be back at school. The entire time, he told Jessy that he was making it up, but Jessy accuses him of wanting no one to know that his daughter was one of them and that he killed her.
While Cesar and Dean are in the woods, Cesar is attacked by that emerges from under the ground, but is okay. They're searching for the borough, and Dean's got a lead. They find their hideout place and head inside. They're attacked (separately), but are able to fight off the monsters. The women are pregnant with the eggs, but they're already dead. The men were protecting them. The only thing left to do is get rid of the eggs and then it's finally over. The events that occur every 27 years won't occur anymore.
Dean proposes the idea to Sam that maybe Jessy and Cesar can give them a hand with Amara. Thing is, when they had a deal that when they finished this hunt, if they were successful, they'd retire from the hunter life. Being that they said that before Dean could ask, even though they did offer them help if they needed it, Dean didn't mention the Amara situation to them. He couldn't take away their newfound freedom.
On the next episode of Supernatural, a fog is rolling through town that's certainly the work of Amara and she's trying to send messages to the brothers, specifically Dean.
Supernatural airs Wednesdays @9/8c on The CW.
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