Before the synopsis for tonight's episode was released, Marc Guggenheim tweeted a picture of the very much awaited Olicity wedding. People were skeptical if it was real and it's a good thing they were because tonight's wedding is simply bait for the episode's villain Cupid, who's killing couples on their wedding day. (How sweet, right?) A fake wedding and broken hearts were certainly in order. (Yes, I'm talking about ours as fans.)
*Note* I'm trying out a new style of blogging tonight, so if you like it, be sure to like this post and/or leave a comment! I may continue doing it depending on if I like how it looks or not.
Love is in the air. Or rather death due to love is. Cupid's definitely not into the whole feeling of love and is actually putting arrows through couples' hearts, killing them on their wedding night. Once the Team gets a location, they speed in to cut her off. Oliver thought he had her, but she got out of the ties. Good thing is he saved the couple.
They find her hideout, which is actually a long-term storage place for wedding dresses (ironic) and they also find a shrine that tells them how she's picking her targets. She's attacking well-known couples, and one target was actually Oliver and Felicity. So, they're going to get married! Well, not actually. They're going to fake their wedding.
Cue the tears. This scene was so heartbreaking because of Oliver's vows. They were so honest and real and true. Before Cupid shows up, he gets through everything and gives her the engagement ring back, but then Cupid crashes the event. Oliver fakes being hit in the heart with an arrow, since he's actually protected with kevlar underneath the tux. Love is death according to Cupid and that's why she's doing this. Felicity counters her and says that love is real and love is life itself, and even if she dies tonight, she's experienced it. And then she says everything that love gave to her. It gave her life purpose and meaning, and it's made her who she is. It's worth living for. More tears.
Cupid almost blows up the building, but Speedy and Spartan are in to fight and they're able to take Cupid down. No harm done this time. Cupid's arrested and Oliver and Felicity are both safe.
Laurel in the courtroom. Something I don't recall seeing in the entirety of Arrow's four seasons is Laurel actually in a courtroom. In tonight's episode, she's testifying against Damien Darhk, but the trial is delayed because there's not actual file proving that Damien Darhk is actually Damien Darhk. The guy is just too good with keeping his identity a secret. Luckily (or unluckily), Laurel's got witnesses, including Dig, but apparently they've got paperwork that shows he bought cocaine for Thea months ago. They need a witness that doesn't have a secret identity, and that means the one and only Quentin Lance will take the stand. Laurel doesn't want him to incriminate himself and she's already been told he can't be given immunity, but he still wants to and he has to testify that he acted under duress when helping Darhk.

Oliver and Felicity. Felicity's moving out and the wedding has to be canceled, as well as the guests uninvited. Oliver's not handling it well, and neither is Felicity, she's just better at hiding it. Felicity does tell the team, but she doesn't want to talk about it. Diggle puts two and two together and realizes that Oliver and Felicity's break up is over his son, but he tells Oliver he believes she'll come around like always. Oliver finds it to be a good sign that she still wants to be a part of the team.

Oliver also still has the wedding venue, which is helpful for luring Cupid, because he still hasn't canceled the wedding. Canceling it means it's over and when he tells Felicity this, she tells him that it is over. When Oliver sees her, his face says it all. She took his breath away. Felicity hadn't written vows, but he did. He knew exactly what he was going to say to her. He professed everything he loved about her and everything she's done for him. After their fake wedding, they agree to talk about things and they do at the end of the episode.
Oliver wants her to know that everything he said at the ceremony, he meant every single word of it. Felicity loves him, with everything in her, but what she said doesn't apply to them. She can't marry him. Oliver swears that there are no more lies, but Felicity knows that there's always a part of him that will revert back to the man he was on the island where he was alone. It's too hard for her to be in the lair at night and not be with him. There's no fixing it and they have to let each other go. And the ring goes back to Oliver. Neither of them want to let the other go, but Felicity's already gone.
Next week on Arrow Emily Kinney guest stars as the Bug-Eyed Bandit and is certainly bringing trouble to Star City and the Team.
Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on the CW.
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