A new female speedster is in Central City and she's up to no good. Iris also finds herself at odds with her new boss, but things change when flirtations begin between the two. Who is this new speedster? Turns out her name is the title of this episode. Here's what went down.
Barry's been trying to get faster in order to stop Zoom, but he hasn't been successful. Everyone's tired, so, to take a break, they decide to all go out to a club. Despite Wells' reluctance, Jesse goes along with them, but she has to wear a wristband to keep her safe. The whole gang's around having a good time with music and shots, the usual. Cisco & Caitlin are dancing the night away and Iris & Barry are joking about them dancing like that at their wedding. They talk about how it's funny that their doppelgängers are married and how they're married in the future, and they also speculate as to what their doppelgängers are doing right now on Earth-2. Iris says it's probably their version of "Netflix & Chill." The party and conversation is broken up when Trajectory, the newest speedster in the picture, crashes through.
Problem is, people think this new speedster is actually The Flash and that he's gone Rogue, robbing citizens of Central City and Iris' new boss wants an article about it. Her views on The Flash clash with her boss', but in order to convince him, she says that they should go get coffee. Now that was a change in their interaction. He thought that going to coffee meant they were going on a date, but she didn't intend for it to be that. They do resolve this by the end of the episode, where he sees that Iris was right, and she admits that she was caught off guard the other night. She's not against going on a date with him, so we'll most likely see more of this relationship in the future.
Back at the lab, Caitlin tells the team about V9 and how she thinks it's still deadly since it's not perfected yet. They're interrupted when the meta-signal goes off and Barry's back out trying to get to this stranger meta. He gets his ass handed to him, as he says himself, and he says that the suit was definitely made by someone who worked in a lab. Caitlin thinks it's a woman named Eliza Harmon who works at Mercury Labs that helped her with V9 who created this new speedster. She denies any involvement, but we find out that she's actually Trajectory, and she's being commanded by a voice in her head. She wants to get more, so her next place of attack is STAR Labs.
In the scene where Caitlin was looking at information on Eliza Harmon, Barry snagged the V9 vile that was nearby, but after talking to Wells, he doesn't take it and shatter, instead. Not too long after, Trajectory shows up and puts him right into a cell where he can't get out, while she goes to the rest of his friends and he can't help. She's holding everyone at gun point until she gets her V9. Safe to say she's insane. They give her what she wants but she doesn't believe it's not laced with anything, so she tests it on Jesse, who goes into shock as a result. Barry's let out of his cage and they have to do a blood transfusion in order to get it out of her system.

Trajectory's decided to attack a bridge and it's time for The Flash to run in and save the day. Luckily, Barry gets everyone off it before it crashes to the ground. It's up to Barry to test out the jump he's been trying to nail for the past week in order to get to her and he's successful in doing so, hitting her hard enough so that she goes down. Barry talks some sense into her, telling her how the V9 is killing her and that this isn't her; this isn't Eliza. She needs to let them help her and he knows what it feels like to want to be the best, but it's destroying her. She doesn't listen and injects herself with yet another vile of V9. She's too fast that Barry won't catch her and she runs off, but this time, her lightning is blue and the speed force is too strong that she dies. Her entire being is completely consumed by the speed force.
Jesse decides that it's about time for her to go out into the world and discover what the world has to offer. She thanks him for everything he's taught her and asks that he not come looking for her. We see her getting on a bus to Opal City. I was wondering why both Eliza and Zoom's speed force is both blue, yet Zoom can survive with it, while Eliza was killed by it. While they're discussing it, they realize he's dying and that's why he needs Barry's speed. Barry's speed is a way for him to be cured. And that leads them to also put two and two together that Jay was also sick. Icing on the cake is when Cisco admits that he's vibed a few times in the episode and each time it's been about Zoom and has occurred when he was near Jay's helmet. Barry smashes the case and hands the helmet to Cisco and this time, he's in the same dark room with Zoom, but now Zoom takes his mask off and the face underneath is none other than Jay Garrick's, or Hunter Zolomon. I have a feeling Zoom's still Jay's doppelgänger, but obviously the Team doesn't know that yet and even us, the audience, can't be sure about it, yet. You can imagine Barry's emotions, especially since now it appears he's been betrayed for a second time, and he runs off to the edge of the cliff where the episode began and screams out in pure rage and frustration. He's more determined than ever to stop Zoom now.
Next week the one and only Pied Piper will be back as Barry travels back in time to get Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne to teach him how to run faster. We'll also be seeing another familiar face (yes, I'm talking about Eddie) and also some weird time wraith dementor-type creatures. It looks like it'll be a very good episode, so I'm looking forward to it.
Be sure to tune in next week @8/7c to see episode 17 of The Flash.
Other things worth mentioning:
⚡When Jesse tries to get the bracelet off, a quite scary message from Wells is spoken through it, as both a threat and a warning. He was going to do anything to get Jesse back when she was stuck with Zoom, even killing The Flash. This is what prompts the other scenes between them in the episode.
Reminder: The Flash appears on Supergirl Monday, March 28 on CBS @9/8c.
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