Jody Mills, Alex, and Claire are all back on tonight's episode of Supernatural. The reason why is because Sam and Dean received a panicked phone call from Claire, who thinks the recent murders in town are due to something supernatural. Problem is, she's been having a rough time identifying who the real monsters are and who an average person is. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Sam and Dean find themselves in South Dakota and reunite with Jody after Claire's call. While they're enjoying Jody's delicious cooking, Claire insists that there are monsters around, while Jody says there's no evidence behind it. Claire's been wrong in the past though and has harmed innocent people and when Alex is taunting her about it, Claire reveals that Alex has been having sex with her boyfriend, Henry, but they actually haven't done anything. She's trying to be prepared, which is why she has the birth control pills in her bag. This entire conversation happens with Sam and Dean at the table, which is quite funny.
Jody's worried that she can't connect with Claire and Alex, but more Claire, and she talks to Dean about it. Things with Alex clicked this year, but she still feels like she can't talk to her about certain things because she's not her mom. The bigger concern comes with Claire, since she thinks she may be hiding in hunting and hasn't gone to school in weeks. So, Sam goes to talk to her and he expresses his concern that she's trying to escape something as a hunter. She admits that she feels a little late to their family and thinks that maybe she should just head out on her own, but Sam tells her not to because the monsters will always be there, but a chance at a family won't be.
Alex's favorite teacher is killed and his body is found taped to the top of a flag pole on school campus. So, Claire was right, there is something up in the town, but Dean's got some words for her. She needs to learn to appreciate Jody. Everything she's done, Claire hasn't asked for. She's done her some huge favors and Claire needs to respect her more. Nice to see Dean taking charge and talking some sense into Claire here.
This includes going to enroll in college classes instead of going with Sam and Dean as FBI agents to do some questioning and investigating. The custodian they interviewed earlier is the monster in this story, a vampire actually who was from Alex's old nest, and he's found Jody and Claire and attacks them before they get into their car. Even though Jody's being hurt, she's able to call Dean and let him know that they're in trouble from her cry for help.

Rich turned Henry into a vampire and sent him after Alex. He would raise her up and Rich would cut her down. None of their relationship was ever real. And since Claire and Jody are there, as well, Rich plans on hurting them in order to hurt Alex. Luckily, Sam and Dean decipher where they're hiding (an old pool building that was shut down because it was unsafe for the school to use) and are on their way to help rescue them. Unfortunately, there are some injuries. Jody's leg is probably broken and Claire was bit, but didn't drink the blood, so she'll be okay. And they work together to slice both Rich and Henry's heads off. Goodbye, vamps.
This event definitely helps to bring them closer as a family, which is nice to see. And Claire realizes what she has, especially from how Jody went after the vampire to protect her. So, the three of them are safe, and so are Sam and Dean. This episode didn't move the Darkness story forward, but it was nice to catch up for Jody, Alex, and Claire to see what's been going on with them, and to take a small break from the Darkness story, like the last episode. Next week's episode will be Valentine's Day themed, and knowing Supernatural and after watching the preview, it looks like we'll be seeing a bloody one!
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