Roy Harper returns to Star City on tonight's episode of Arrow as the team faces the Calculator. Meanwhile, in Nanda Parbat, Nyssa's making her move against Malcolm. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Helped by one of the other woman in Nanda Parbat, Nyssa receives food with a knife hidden inside that she uses to escape. Her and some of the other League members go against the others and have control of the mountain for now until Malcolm gets back. Nyssa also wants Tatsu's help.
The Team is mid-battle chasing a masked man who's stealing from tech companies when Thea loses consciousness while sitting on a rail and almost falls off the side of a building before Oliver saves her. As always, the "Guilt Arrow" comes into play and he blames himself for not paying closer attention to her. Her loss of consciousness is a result of her blood lust and if she doesn't satisfy it, she'll die. While her, Malcolm, and Oliver are talking, she finally tells him about the result Damien Darhk had on her and how it helped.

Now that Roy's back, him and Oliver get to have some conversation about how he's blaming himself about new things, and that allows him to tell Roy about Thea. This also lets us see Roy and Thea reunited, which made my heart jump with joy because I miss them. Unfortunately, their reunion is interrupted when Thea has an attack due to the blood lust. Oliver wants to help in any way, even if that means making a deal with Darhk, but Thea doesn't want him to have to deal with this problem. This isn't his decision. It's hers. And according to Malcolm, sometimes the greatest action of love is no action at all.

Felicity knows of something at Palmer Tech that can help them stop him, though. Earlier in the episode, a man named Mr. Dennis informs her that maybe she should let someone else do the presentation about the Power Cell that she's set to do... someone who isn't in a wheelchair, but later on, Curtis tells her something else. After Felicity gets the technology she needs from Palmer Tech to take down the Calculator, she's filled with energy, ready to take on anything, and that's the Felicity the company needs.
So, with Felicity doing what she does best behind them, the Team goes in. While Thea's getting better, Roy's back in the Arsenal suit, which he has seriously missed. (We've missed you, too, Roy.) Felicity's successful in blocking Calculator from setting off the web nuke, but they need to blow it off before he does. So, since Roy brought him into their lives, he's going to stay behind and shot the nuke from a distance and then run like hell. He blows the thing up and gets the hell out of there, thankfully.
To protect Roy, Felicity installed a virus in the Calculator's system to get rid of everything he had on Roy, so even though Roy has to go back underground, the Calculator won't have anything on him. But sadly, we must say goodbye to him, but not before he says goodbye to Thea. He wishes he could stay. And Thea asks that, for her, he gets married and has kids, and lives a happy life. They say goodbye with an "I love you" and say they would do everything they did together again. Hopefully he'll make another appearance sometime in the future.
Felicity does her presentation and she does that presentation in front of her audience in her wheelchair. She does a great job, and while Oliver's clapping very proudly in his seat, the man next to him makes a comment about how Felicity is "something else." To which Oliver responds, "You have no idea." That man sitting next to him is the Calculator, but it's also Felicity's father, which we see when they say hello to each other after the presentation. (Called it, and I'm so excited to see where this goes.)
After the presentation, Oliver returns back to Thea's apartment to see how she's doing, but something's wrong and she ends up in the hospital. Nyssa shows up to the hospital room and has an offer for Oliver. She can give him something that will prevent Thea from dying, but he must kill Malcolm Merlyn. And next week, we'll see how that goes down. Tonight's episode was very well done. So many important things happened, and of course, Colton Haynes was back in action. I'm looking forward to everything that's set up for future episodes. It should be a good run.
Other things worth mentioning:
↠In the flashbacks this week, Oliver sees "Shado," who tells him to let his own darkness go and return to his enemy. And she says she'll teach him how to let it go. He's actually hallucinating. That darkness he feels is guilt, which we all know Oliver feels about a lot of things.
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