Barry, Cisco, and Wells travel to Earth-2 in order to rescue Wells' daughter, Jesse. Things are very different and Barry's stunned when he comes across Killer Frost and Deathstorm, Earth-2's version of Caitlyn and Ronnie. While Barry's gone, Jay's taking over The Flash's duties when a new metahuman named Geomancer shows up on Earth-1.
All of the breaches are closed except for one, and that one is the one they're going to use to get to Earth-2. Iris, Barry, and Joe are enjoying a family dinner before he goes. Iris wants to make sure he's not doing it because he feels as though he has nothing left on Earth-1 anymore, but he assures her that's not the case at all. He loves everything about his life. So he's going to go, win, and then come home.
They're giving themselves 48 hours to do what they need to do. If they're not back by then, Barry tells Jay and Caitlin to close the breaches, even without them there. The three say their goodbyes to everyone and then it's time to be on their way. Problem is, the energy that comes through destabilizes the breach and it needs to be fixed in order for them to be able to get back.

So, we make our way to the CCPD. The Captain is actually a criminal and Deadshot's also part of the force. Iris is the one and only Detective Wes. (She looks badass as a detective.) And then Iris pulls him away and starts to kiss him, and that's when he finds out they're married. Her metahuman alert app also reads him as a metahuman, but it's brushed off as a weird glitch. They go to their house where Iris informs Barry that his mom called and he's able to here her voice again and talk to her, tell her he loves her. Amidst the funny scenes we have seen in the episode up to this point, this was a very emotional one to throw in.

The gathering is crashed by Killer Frost and Deathstorm who are trying to find anyone from Earth-1 that's on the wrong Earth. Iris pulls out her gun, but then Barry stands up and says her actual name, and while it catches her off guard, it also doesn't help. When Iris rushes to Joe's aid when he's hit, Barry makes his move on Killer Frost and Deathstorm and is able to get them away for the time being.
Barry wants to be with Iris and Joe at the hospital, but Wells says that now that Killer Frost and Deathstorm are aware he's there, they don't have much time. This causes a little tension between the two, especially because Barry is going to care for them no matter what. They're still his family no matter which Earth they're on. While they're in the hospital and Joe's able to speak, he tells Iris that every song he's ever sung has been for her, and then he tells Barry to take care of her. Unfortunately, Earth-2's Joe doesn't make it.
Cisco's created a device that will help them defeat Killer Frost and Deathstorm, so Iris, Deadshot (who actually struggles with his gun at the station and is a horrible shot), and Cisco go after them. Once they find them, we meet yet another doppelgänger. This one is the one Killer Frost and Deathstorm work for, who actually works for Zoom, and that doppelgänger is Cisco's. And then, Cisco calls for The Flash, who shows up to help. He does save Iris, but things take a turn for the worst when Zoom shows up. He kills Deathstorm and Cisco's Evil doppelgänger because they disobeyed Zoom and harmed Barry, but then he takes Barry with him, and that's certainly not a good thing. We also saw some powers that Evil Cisco had that Earth-1 Cisco may learn in the future during this scene.
Meanwhile, Geomancer on Earth-1 is definitely a problem for the part of the Team that's left there. Joe wants Jay to take Velocity 6 and do something, but he's against it. After Joe leaves, he tells Caitlin why. He felt he was never fast enough, so he took Velocity 6 before, but it had side effects on him. Velocity 6 is what's killing him. After The Flash hasn't showed up for a few days, Geomancer thinks he's gone, but then The Flash does show up. Jay's version of the Flash is able to gain his speed through Velocity 7, but then it wears off, so it's not a definite fix. The combination of him and Joe allow them to scare Geomancer away. Important thing here is that we're seeing the start of the development of Velocity 7, 8, and 9.
There's one day left for Caitlin and Jay to fix the breach. And there's one day left for Barry to get out of Zoom's cell with Jesse. Next week is part two of Earth-2 and it seems that Killer Frost will be working with them to stop Zoom. Also, the actual Earth-2 Barry will be reunited with Iris and they'll both be joining Cisco and Wells, as well. Really, really great episode tonight. Very entertaining and both funny and sad in different parts. Part two should be a good one!
Other things worth mentioning:
⚡While on their way to Earth-2, Barry, Cisco, and Wells see a glimpse of the Green Arrow and Supergirl, among other things.
⚡Barry and Cisco are talking memorable selfies as they make their way through Earth-2. Their reactions to the previous bad guys they've met on Earth-1 are also very funny.
⚡On Barry and Iris' Earth-2 phone, they were able to contact a few people at the click of a button that drew attention: Bruce, Hal, and Diana, AKA Batman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman.
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