Welcome to the second annual crossover episode between The Flash and Arrow. Tonight's episode is the first of two episodes (the other will appear as Arrow's weekly episode) that will help to set up Legends of Tomorrow. For The Flash, the episode focused on Kendra Saunders, AKA Hawkgirl, and how she's a target of Vandal Savage, a villain who finds himself in Central City. Team Arrow's helping to keep her safe and we also get our first look at Hawkman this episode, as well. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Barry needs to start running faster and Wells has an idea that could help. Caitlin and Wells are attempting to create a drug to quicken his speed. Wells wants to test it on Jay since his speed force is in his system. Jay's not on board with trying the syrup, though, and he doesn't think it should be given to Barry either. Jay's opinion makes Caitlin question it, also. Along with this storyline back in Central City, Patty spots Harrison Wells and shows up at STAR Labs to find out what's going on. When she does find him, she pulls out her gun and shoots him because she hasn't been told by Joe about the situation. Caitlin needs Jay's help to remove the bullet, and in order to do so, he has to take the speed serum to phase through Wells' chest and get rid of the bullet, which he does successfully. However, his opinion about Velocity Six doesn't change.
Vandal Savage made it to Central City as a stowaway. His prey, as was mentioned earlier, is Hawkgirl and he's interrupting Cisco and Kendra's date. Luckily, Barry's there in time to save Cisco's life and Kendra from being captured. Cisco does let the Flash's identity slip, though, so now Kendra also knows Barry is the Flash. In order to keep Kendra safe, they're heading to Star City to see Team Arrow. And luckily, Barry's able to sweep into Star City in time to give Oliver a hand as well since he's fighting Damien Darhk and was having the life sucked out of him before the Flash saved him. So, Kendra also meets the Green Arrow and learns that it's actually Oliver Queen, as well.

Vandal Savage crashes through the window of Oliver and Felicity's apartment after somehow finding them. He's got lots of knives to throw at everyone there, but Barry prevents them from hitting anyone, while Oliver shoots him with his arrows. After he catches the first two, Oliver and Thea go at him some more, hitting him in the shoulders and Thea hits him in a more vital place, which sends him over the railing of the building, but when they look over, he's no where to be seen.

Hawkgirl is getting spurts of what her former life was like when she sees Hawkman, AKA Carter Hall, but she still doesn't remember. He needs her to emerge. The Green Arrow and The Flash are out to save her and they team up against Hawkman to stop him and bring him back to the lair to question him. Hawkman and Hawkgirl have past lives. They're reincarnated after death each time to find each other again, and in each lifetime, they're hunted down by Vandal Savage. To emerge, Kendra needs to jump to her death, and Barry's flipping out about it. Oliver thinks they need to let her jump because she has to have a part in saving herself, which she eventually does while her and Cisco are on the roof alone.
Barry and Oliver need to head to Central City to get to the Staff of Horus before Vandal does. If Vandal gets a hold of it before them, there's basically no chance of stopping him. They're too late, though, and have to face off against Vandal and the Staff together, but unfortunately, the two of them are unsuccessful, and in order to defeat him, they need to team up as a whole, which will occur in tomorrow's episode of Arrow.
At the end of the episode, Barry and Oliver are in a coffee shop in Central City when a young boy drops his Flash figurine in front of him. Oliver picks it up, laughs with Barry, but then stops when he sees the boy run off to his mother, who is the same girl he had gotten pregnant, but was told had a miscarriage. Oliver's finally met his son, and it seems like he's put two and two together by the look on his face.
How that plays out in tomorrow's episode, along with the fight that will occur between both teams as a whole, along with Hawkgirl and Hackman will be very exciting to see. An excellent episode tonight for The Flash, and an excellent and entertaining part one to the crossover with some funny lines.
Other things worth mentioning:
⚡Barry doesn't think Team Arrow could be that busy, but they are extremely busy with Damien Darhk.
⚡Felicity was so happy to see Barry, hugged him, then got mad at him for not saying he broke his back, and then hugged him again. Barry threw in a line about this being what it's like dating her to Oliver and it was a funny scene between the two.
⚡Felicity and Barry also had a funny conversation about what Oliver's doppelgänger would look like and also tells her that he's seeing Patty and that she's amazing. So sweet.
⚡Diggle had some funny lines this episode about Barry's speed, as usual.
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