If you missed yesterday's episode of The Flash and part 1 of the crossover, you can check that recap out here. Tonight we saw part 2 of the crossover, and since part 1 was a great episode, I was looking forward to part 2, as were many others. It picked up where last night's left off. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Oliver's not telling Felicity about his 'son' initially, at least not until he knows for sure. He lets her know that something's up, but isn't being specific until he knows. No more secrets, but he won't speculate until he knows the facts. He tracks down his ex-girlfriend, Samantha, and her 9-year old son, William. She claims that she met William's father two months after she moved to Central City and that she did indeed lose their baby. Oliver was lucky enough to snag a piece of hair from William's baseball cap, and Barry tests it to see if it is his. Before Oliver has an opportunity to tell Felicity himself, Felicity tracks Barry down and has him hand over the results he found. Barry didn't know what he was giving her. The results reveal that William is his son and Samantha finally tells her what his mother did.

Malcolm has arranged a meeting between the Flash, the Green Arrow, and Vandal Savage. If they don't hand over Kendra and Carter, then he will kill everyone Barry loves in Central City, including himself, and will do the same for Star City and Oliver. They have 24 hours and Malcolm's not on board with them saving Carter and Kendra.

Barry's able to now tell Oliver that something went wrong during the battle. And Oliver was what went wrong in the battle because his head isn't in the fight. Now he knows the information he needs to know before everything blows up. He knows he has a son, he knows that him and Felicity fight if he doesn't tell her, and now things are going to be done differently.
According to Cisco and Oliver, Kendra needs to focus on the priestess, not the warrior. He helps her relax and remember everything from her past because this will enlighten her about her as the priestess, about her powers. That helps her remember how to beat Vandal Savage. Instead, they actually need a meteor that was from her original Egyptian days that will help make the Staff stronger. During this battle, the entire team's involved and everyone's head is in the right place. They're successful this time, with no deaths except Vandal Savage's. Now if you've read anything about Legends of Tomorrow, Vandal is the main villain, so he obviously comes back to life somehow, and that somehow is Malcolm.
Barry's worried about messing with time too much, but he also thinks that the best thing is for William to know his father, as someone who didn't grow up with his own (biological) father. The two say their goodbyes and Barry goes in for a hug, Oliver doesn't do hugs, but Barry gets the hug anyway because even if Oliver refused, Barry's fast enough to hug him against his will anyway. So, Oliver does meet his son and gets to play with him and his Flash action figures. He does agree to not tell Felicity and he doesn't, at least not right now. I was certainly surprised he didn't, especially after the development we've seen him make. Let's just hope this doesn't blow up again.
A great part 2 to the crossover, but also an emotional one. This year's crossover was definitely more emotional of the Arrow side. Next week we have the midseason finale and those are always intense episodes, so I'm looking forward to it. Always a pleasure to see the teams team up, and another great crossover. Until the midseason finale.
Other things worth mentioning:
↠Barry claims he can still feel where Oliver shot him with his arrows, so that's why he recommends for Kendra to not be trained by him.
↠Barry (and Diggle) are the captains of the Olicity ship and that makes me so happy because it is owed all to Barry that the fight that originally happened, didn't happen when they got a second chance.
↠Kendra and Cisco say their goodbyes and Cisco gives her a goodbye present. A medal that has a GPS chip so that he can always find her, and they share a goodbye kiss.
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