Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Supernatural 11x07 Recap: "Plush"

Donna's called the boys for help on a murder that has supernatural elements involved. Sam's also still experiencing visions and praying to God for help, which doesn't make Dean too happy. From the preview we got, it seems as though they're dealing with a killer bunny, which is of course weird to the normal population, but nothing's weird for this show anymore if we're being honest. Warning: Spoilers ahead.

The murderous "wabbit" is sitting in his cell with his rabbit head still on, splattered with blood. The police haven't identified him because they didn't get their hands around him long enough to identify him. He also tries to attack Dean when they visit his cell. Luckily, he has a 'Minnesota Tech' shirt on and a "Kylie Forever" tattoo, so that allows them to contact his girlfriend and find out more information about him.

According to Kyle, Mike (murderous rabbit man) is a very sweet person. He found the rabbit head in a thrift shop and as soon as he put it on, he completely changed. Sounds like a possessed mascot head. Donna and her partner were going to put him in the cop car when he got up and attacked them. The only way to stop him was to shoot him and that's what her partner did. An innocent 19-year old was dead because of the cursed head, and to prevent it from happening to anyone else, they follow procedure and burn it.

Seems like everything is okay until another person is injured by a person in a costume and mask, brutally attempting murder. So they're not dealing with just one mask, they're dealing with multiple. Ghosts are possessing people and they need to find some way to get the mask off the victim in order to free them, and that's simply done by Dean using salt pellets to shoot the ghost away.

Chester, a man who 'committed suicide', is the ghost they're dealing with. Each costume is his and he's tied to each and every costume. In order to get rid of him, they need to get rid of the costumes. That doesn't happen before the man who was injured before is actually killed by someone in a clown costume in the hospital. And who other than Sam ends up in the elevator with him and gets rid of the ghost, getting another costume.

It turns out that Chester's suicide wasn't really a suicide. The people he's gone after were responsible for his death. They thought he was hurting their kids and said they would 'scare' him, but it ended up resulting in his death in the end. His sister had known about it, but wasn't there, so she didn't say anything. She was scared that her son was getting hurt, too, and now she regrets not addressing her brother.

They got every single costume and burned it, but the one thing they were missing was a deer head, and it turns out that Chester's nephew Max put it on while Sam and Dean were talking to his mom. Dean rids him of the ghost and Sam goes to burn the head, while Chester's ghost shows up and attacks Dean. Luckily, Sam burns the head in time and rids them all of the ghost, saving Max and his mom.

Sam tells Dean about his visions of the cage and that that's the reason why he keeps praying to God. If that's what it takes to stop the Darkness, going back into the cage, Dean's not going to allow it. It's suicide, and Dean won't let his brother do that.

In two weeks, we're getting a look at imaginary friends and how they cause some gruesome events to happen. We're also going to meet Sam's imaginary friend, which should be entertaining. So we'll see how they play a role in a case for the brothers then.

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