Andy's alive, Oliver's campaign continues, and we also get a shocking revelation about Damien Darhk during tonight's episode. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Diggle showed Oliver the classified file he was given on Andy. They both notice things don't add up, and according to what the file says, it makes it seem as though Diggle didn't really notice him at all. The Team has been tracking and going after the Ghosts and when one shoots at Laurel, Diggle goes to ID him. When he lifts the mask, he's faced with the face of his brother Andy. Diggle doesn't want to face that fact at all.
Diggle never thought his brother being back would actually happen and Oliver is with him every step of the way on trying to save Andy. Him and Diggle go out to find HIVE and witness an initiation session by Damien Darhk for his Ghosts with little yellow pills. Good idea until their cover is blown. An action sequence ensues, which you can never get tired of on Arrow, and Oliver nearly gets himself killed. And him nearly being killed brings about such a great scene between Diggle and Oliver. Diggle wants to take Darhk down in the light, because taking him down from the inside is doing it from the shadows. Oliver wants to believe that no matter how dark things get, they can always come back from it, and that's why he believes there's a way to get Andy back.
Laurel's experienced the feeling of coming to believe a family member is dead and then having them come back to life. At the honorary event, they have a conversation about their similar experiences. No matter what, Andy is still his brother. There's still a part of him that's his brother. Telling his nephew that his father was dead wasn't easy, but it's a blessing that he's actually alive and if he can get through to him, the reunion can be a happy one. The months after Andy's "death" were some of the darkest ever for him, and that's similar to the way Laurel's life was after Sara's "death."
Damien Darhk's security personnel are under the opinion that Lance set up the meeting they had so that he could have the Arrow team following him. They're not wrong, but it'd be better for them to not put two and two together. While Damien's very against the Green Arrow, he's on board with working together with Oliver Queen. If Oliver refuses, Damien will run against him, and there was a slight tinge of a threat in the way he said it. This gives him an opportunity to be on the inside and like Felicity said, that didn't work out too well the last time. He didn't run for mayor to take down Darhk, he ran to give the city hope, and he can't lose sight of that. That's something both Felicity and Dig agree on and it's something Oliver eventually does agree with. If he's going to fight him, he's going to do it in the light of day.
Thea's bloodlust is back and Malcolm's given her the file of a pedophile that she can go and kill to cure that bloodlust for some time. And that bloodlust doesn't help when she goes on a date with Alex and loses it in front of him after a guy hits on her and doesn't take no for an answer. Not what you want him to see. She's not going to kill people, but she believes Damien Darhk can help her control her bloodlust. His powers backfired on him and her bloodlust was gone, at least for a little while. So now, she wants Malcolm to make it permanent.
Ray's helping Felicity with the tooth they have of a Ghost since she can't ID it. He's also using that as an excuse to not return to Palmer Tech or leave the apartment just yet. If he's going to come back to life, he wants to have a reason for coming back to life. Ray found a probable location for the Ghosts location, a murder psychiatric institution that's been shut down from running some tests on the tooth and discovering why DNA markers would be missing. They're not going against the Ghosts this time, they're going in after Andy.
The Team had a special helper in their fight as Ray went to fight and take down the many Ghosts with them and it was a good thing they were there because there were a lot of them, and Diggle also went to help because his brother needed him, "the green one." The bromance was so strong this episode. And they were able to get his real brother back from the Ghosts and it allows Diggle and him to have a very short chat that doesn't make Dig happy, especially not after he's told everything in the file is true. It's definitely going to take time for these two to reunite properly.
The entire cast is always a pleasure to watch, but we have to mention how awesome David Ramsey was tonight. It was certainly his night to shine and he did just that. Wonderful acting in each and every scene. You can't say enough about how awesome he was this episode.
In two weeks (Dec. 2) is The Flash and Arrow crossover that everyone's been excited for since last season's episode was such a success. I'm very excited to see the teams team up again.
Other things worth mentioning:
↠Oliver accidentally called Thea Speedy in front of Alex and then proceeded to stutter about the "dental problem" they have to deal with.
↠A woman passing by Oliver and Felicity at the even to honor the Star City police department heard Felicity say, "spending your nights dressing in leather and tying people up." Oh, Felicity.
↠When Thea came across Darhk, he tried to suffocate her, but instead his face turned red and veiny, something we haven't seen happen to him before.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
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