Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Flash 2x07 Recap: "Gorilla Warfare"

Gorilla Warfare.
After suffering an injury that would paralyze any regular human, Barry's struggling to deal with a slower-than-usual recovery process to regain his speed and be able to run, again. On top of this, he's also dealing with flashbacks of his battle with Zoom and that prompts Henry Allen to come to town to talk about things with his son. Warning: Spoilers ahead. 
Barry's struggling to walk, so instead he's now using a wheelchair, similar to the one 'Wells' used. He's impatient, though, especially since he's used to healing so much faster than before. It shouldn't take him too much longer to heal, but he's itching to put the suit back on. Meanwhile, Wells plans on returning home, but Caitlin doesn't want him to return home if he can help them there with Zoom, especially since Jay isn't around. The Flash was his plan, and that failed. His conversation with Caitlin regarding to the breaches actually allows them to come up with another plan: close all the breaches except one, and then set a trap for Zoom.
Barry's not talking to Joe and Iris about the flashbacks he's having of his being "destroyed" by Zoom. He feels that he's let them all down. He's supposed to be their hero, and he feels that everyone now sees him as the hero that isn't strong enough. So, since Barry's been feeling down, Iris calls Henry into town. He went on a camping trip - sometimes you just have to slow down, as he puts it.

Grodd was back in town and he's using his mind control powers again, this time on a scientist and also the team's very own Caitlin Snow. She's in Grodd's hands and without his speed, Barry can't help her. Grodd wants Caitlin's help to make more Grodd's. Using Wells in the Reverse Flash suit, they plan on trying to convince Grodd that he's his father. As soon as Barry sees him in the suit, he runs at him almost instinctively. His speed is coming back, but not nearly as fast as he can be, so this one's all on Wells.
While Cisco and Wells are out in the field, Henry and Barry are in the lab, allowing them to talk about some things. Henry understands what it's like being "destroyed." He went through those similar feelings when he was sentenced for life for a crime he didn't commit. Worse than that, he had to see the way his friends looked at him after they came to believe that he killed the woman he loved in front of his son. He embraced and accepted what it was, but knew that he could survive that if he believed in himself. Barry's support gave him that hope and now he's giving Barry that same hope. Great scene between the two of them and a nice way to have Henry back in the show.

Wells was convincing as 'Wells' for a little while, that is until he asked Grodd to let Caitlin go. 'Wells' never asked. It is successful in rescuing Caitlin as it buys Cisco enough time to go in, put the anti-mind control buds on her, and get her out of the building. Using the drugs he stole against him, Wells was able to distract him long enough to get close enough and stab him with them, causing an overdose and shut down of his mind control powers. They need to do something about Grodd, he wants to be with other gorillas. Now that Barry's got his speech on, it's his opportunity to do his part. He conquers his fear, he punches Grodd and sends him off into the breach to the Earth Two gorilla sanctuary where he can live peacefully. He didn't seem too happy about it though... or maybe that was an excited growl, who knows.
Henry Allen's got his son back on track with believing in himself and that's exactly why Iris wanted him there. Henry coming back reminded Joe that Barry isn't his own son and he vocalizes that he wishes he had his own. Iris feels bad for him regarding this because he does have his own son, he's just not aware of it.

In two weeks (Dec. 1), we have the highly anticipated The Flash and Arrow crossover and if those episodes are as great as they were last season, we should be in for a treat. I'm looking forward to it!

Other things worth mentioning:
Cisco vibed off Shantel during their first date and later in the episode when they kissed, giving us our best look at Hawkgirl yet, full wings and everything.
Patty's catching onto Barry's secrets, especially since him and Joe aren't particularly on the same page with their stories. She knows he's hiding something. Despite that, they still remain to be such a cute pairing. Hopefully she finds out about his special secret soon (and it doesn't put her in harms way.)

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