Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Supernatural 11x06 Recap: "Our Little World"

Our Little World.
Where has Metatron been all this time? In tonight's episode, Castiel is going to find him to get his help to fight the Darkness. Sam and Dean, on the other hand, are on a mission to find Amara. Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Amara's been eating more souls and she's grown some more. She hasn't followed Crowley's rules, so he's grounding her.

Cas has been holed up in the Bunker for quite a while, haunted by the memories of what he did under the curse. He needs to get out, and Dean, in particular, is worried about him. Nothing on angel radio has come in about Metatron, but while Cas is watching the news, he catches a glimpse of the reflection of the camera man, and what do you know? It's Metatron.

Lin, the guy the boys met in the last episode, was murdered, so Sam and Dean go to check it out. The girl whose soul Amara took earlier in the episode is also being held in that same jail and that helps Sam and Dean figure out exactly who it is that's killing Amara's victims. Crowley's got a demon on the hunt to kill any of Amara's victims. So now they know that Amara isn't wandering on her own. And that makes Crowley's place their newest target to find Amara.

Dean intends on killing Amara, hit her with everything they've got, but Sam's concerned about what she can throw at them. She's powerful and growing. They go to the closed-down asylum they're occupying anyway. While the demons their are discussing what's been going on with Amara eating souls, Crowley's reading a parenting book, trying to understand Amara's behavior as a teenager. Dean uses one of Crowley's old voicemails to him to lure the demon guarding Amara's door away and they take him down. Sam takes care of him, while Dean goes to take down Amara, but Crowley interrupts the party. Crowley was going to attempt to kill Dean, but Amara became protective and stopped him. That was something Dean didn't expect, especially after he went there to kill her.

While Dean's dealing with Amara and Crowley, Sam's fighting off some of Crowley's demons and we continue to see his issue with killing them. He's forced to kill one when he's almost killed himself, but it's clear he doesn't want to. He wants to save people and in the end that can hurt him. He demon-cuffs 2 out of the 3 and then goes to help Dean, but he can't get in because the door's locked, and he's also hit with another set of visions, similar to the ones he had after his visit to the chapel, only this time without seeing himself in pain.

Cas has found Metatron who's been going around filming newsworthy events in order to make money, and also stealing from the victims. He's back, human, and pitiable, something we haven't seen from Metatron's character since he made his first appearance on the show. The Demon Tablet's back into play and Cas got a hold of it from Metatron's apartment. Whether that will have a role or not this season remains to be seen. Despite his taunts about how broken Cas is, Cas doesn't hold back in hurting him. And he really goes at him, but he won't kill him. He's not going to be manipulated into letting him go easy. He wants to know about the Darkness. In order to create the world, God had to give up the only thing he ever knew. He had to betray and sacrifice the Darkness, his sister. Now that's an interesting part to her story. He let him go because he's not a threat, and he told him what he needed to know. He also won't move anywhere else because then he knows the angel pact would go after him.

Dean won't kill Amara, he can't bring himself to, at least not right now. For Amara, Dean represents the first thing she saw that was part of His creation. It fascinates her. She's come to the world to settle the world's score, the oldest score to have existed. Sam eventually does get through the doors, and Dean goes for Amara, but she throws them both away from her and walks out. Dean was overpowered from the connection that is between them, and he's going to need to push through that to eventually defeat her, but that hesitation allowed her to get away.

Sam's visions are of the cage and that means that's coming back into play this season, so it'll be interesting to learn more of that and exactly why he's having these visions. He also didn't say anything to Dean or Cas during the episode about it, so for right now, he's keeping this bottled up inside.

Next week, the brothers are hunting a murderous rabbit. Overall good episode tonight with some important information given. What's nice about this season is that information is given at a good pace. Nothing is rushed, nor is it dragged out. Each episode has a purpose in telling the story. I'm particularly excited about the cage being back. That should definitely be interesting to watch. Until next week.

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