Sara's soul is restored and she's already back out in the field, but more important this episode focused on Ray Palmer and what he's been up to since he seemingly died. Aside from Ray, Donna Smoak's back in town, and she's always a pleasure to watch. Let's get into the recap. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Curtis and Oliver meet when Oliver goes to visit Felicity at Palmer Tech. For a second, Curtis attempted to see if Oliver was the Green Arrow, but according to him, the jaw isn't right. Curtis also finds Oliver attractive, but he's married and Oliver's straight. So, that won't be happening, but still a funny throw-in. More importantly in that scene, Felicity showed Oliver the sound-bite she got from Ray. She's been trying to find him, and when they get back to the apartment (after Oliver insists she needs to shower and nap), her hard work in coding pays off. Ray gets into contact with them and he's trapped, being held captive, in a small glass box, because he's still small.
Felicity needs to do some research at Palmer Tech to figure out how to help and get to Ray. Oliver wants to help in any way possible, so he says he'll go with her, but she doesn't want him to because there is no way he can help with this. A little bit of a rocky scene for the two, but Felicity is stressed to the max, and her short response with him didn't make him feel too great. So, Oliver called her mother. And Donna Smoak goes to visit her. He's also been texting her mom, and Oliver couldn't say no, especially not after she used the emoji with the single tear.

Dinner actually allows Felicity and Oliver talk after Donna says she'll order takeout, sensing something is up. Felicity feels that what's happened and is happening to Ray is her fault. Ray sent distress calls for weeks that Felicity wasn't able to receive because she was away with Oliver. She lost herself in Oliver, something she never did with any guy before, and her pushing Oliver away with this is because of that. Both of them are upset by it, but Oliver doesn't want to lose Felicity, so he's going to give her space so that she can figure things out for herself, so that their relationship can still be okay.

Lance meets with Damien and then Dig follows Darhk's car to find out his location. Now that they have a location, it's time to rescue Ray. They had a plan, and a good one. One of Damien Darhk's men, who is actually Diggle in disguise, "knocks out" the Green Arrow and delivers him to Darhk. Felicity and Curtis are both also in the field on this one. They parachute through a window to meet Diggle, while Sara, Laurel, and Thea take down Darhk's actual men. Oliver gets out of his chains and attempts to shoot Darhk, but he's too quick. After nearly being choked by Darhk's powers, he gets away, and the team rescues Ray. In the midst of a multitude of fight scenes occurring, Sara also killed someone, which was expected.

Oliver and Felicity have a nice conversion at the end of the episode and they both used the advice Diggle and Donna gave them. They're going to be okay because they found themselves in each other. Some early downs for them this episode turned into a nice up. The only question that still remains is when will we see him put a ring on her finger? Donna and Lance meet when they're both sat at the bar. We'll surely see something develop with that in the future. Thea and Oliver's campaign manager, Alex, also have a date planned. So we'll see what comes of that.
Damien's got something planned with the technology Ray had, but it's not clear exactly what he intends to do with it. He does have a box that collapses into a map that he wants it to be tested out on, though. And in the preview for next week, Diggle's brother Andy is actually alive and under Darhk's influence. Looks like it'll be a good one. Only complaint for tonight is that we didn't see much of the repercussions for bringing Sara back now that she's had her soul restored. That will probably come into play more when she takes her place on Legends of Tomorrow. Overall, another great episode for season four.
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