Barry's got a plan to face Zoom, and not only does that mean we see a very dangerous plan enacted, but we also get to see more Zoom. He's been a character that we've only got glimpses of the first five episodes of the season. We also see more of Harrison Wells' life on Earth Two before the breach occurred. By looking at the pictures ahead, you can see we've got the clearest image of Zoom yet, so I was certainly looking forward to seeing more of him during tonight's episode. So let's get into what went down. Warning: Spoilers Ahead.

Cisco, Caitlin, and Joe don't trust Wells at all, and Cisco plans to try and use some vibe powers on him. Cisco does make an attempt, but Wells freaks out and is very concerned about what he vibed about. He didn't get any vibe from it, but it's clear Wells is hiding something. Meanwhile, in the Earth Two view we get of Wells' life, we see his relationship with his daughter, Jess. Jess is siding with the Flash of their world (Jay) and is calling her father out on that being the reason he dislikes him so much. Lucky for them, Cisco eventually gets the vibe he needs during another attempt. Cisco discovers that Zoom has Wells' daughter Jessie locked away, and that's why he's so against Zoom.

Patty's feeling out of the loop with Joe and the metahumans, especially since he has no urgency to go after Dr. Light, or know anything about her, or even tell her how he knows the case is closed. She thinks Joe's mad at her, so she makes an attempt to get everything out in the open. She wants to keep things transparent with Joe, but he doesn't really want to know that they kissed or about anything that may go on in the future between the two of them. She's definitely sensing that secrets are being kept from her, though. It was a rough episode for Patty partnership-wise.
Now that Dr. Light's gone, Barry's got a new idea. They don't have Dr. Light, but they have the suit. So, as the Flash, he asks Linda for her help. Get her to wear the suit, lure Zoom, and then they've got him. Seems easy enough, but everyone knows things don't happen that easily on The Flash, especially if they involve a villain. Time for a little training for Linda first through a pop up course Cisco's created with her gloves that actually fire. Cisco, Caitlin, and Joe aren't too fond on this plan, especially since Linda's not ready. Joe also feels that Barry's acting too prematurely and that it's almost as though he's still chasing the Reverse Flash. Not an untrue statement as Barry is trying to do everything he can to rid himself of Zoom as soon as possible, even without knowing everything about him. Sticking to his plan, the Flash has a little motivation talk for Linda after her training session and in it, he says that he trusts her because he knows her, revealing himself as Barry Allen to her. So another person knows his identity.
Linda's attempt at being evil was comical, as was the dialogue between the Flash and her in their staged scene to lure Zoom. That's all besides the point, though. The door was open, and to quote the episode title, Enter Zoom... but Zoom didn't enter then.
Ever since Wells' confession where he said Barry would never be happy, Barry has felt like he wouldn't be. He's felt a void ever since he didn't save his mother that night and is afraid it will never be filled. Joe tells him straight out that all he needs to do is go after what makes him happy, because he needs to do that in order to be happy. He can't stop himself from enjoying those things. So, Barry does that. He goes to see Patty at the station and kisses her. The reason? Getting to know her makes him happy. A nice little scene between the two of them before things got crazy.

Barry's vitals stabilized and he healed, but there's a problem. He can't feel his legs and that means he can't use his speed. That's going to be an issue next week when Grodd, once again, visits Central City. As for tonight's episode, meeting Zoom and seeing him against the Flash for the first time was crazy. He's insanely powerful, fast, and just insane. From what we've seen, he's definitely my favorite villain. What it's going to take for Barry and the Team to defeat him will be interesting to see, but I'm looking forward to seeing where this takes us. Another great episode for season two of The Flash, and it appears as though things are only getting better as we go along. Good stuff.
⚡Barry and Patty are such flirts, but it's adorable. I'm really enjoying seeing their relationship grow on the show.
⚡In Earth Two, Oliver Queen is dead and Robert Queen was revealed as the Arrow. How strange a world that is.
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