Tonight we got another The Flash and Arrow crossover with Ray and Felicity visiting Central City. Ray needed some help with the Atom suit and there was also a group dinner that didn't end too well. I love the fact that the two shows get to crossover with different characters, so I was looking forward to seeing how tonight's episode would play out. Quick note: This episode is supposed to happen before 3x18 of Arrow if you were wondering where it fell timeline-wise. (Warning: This post contains spoilers.)
There was a pretty big spider in my basement when I came downstairs to watch this episode and then there were bugs in the episode that killed a girl in the beginning, so I was very uncomfortable for the first few minutes downstairs in my basement. Felicity was with all of the Flash team right away so that definitely helped me calm down a little bit. Ray also showed up with her, who still isn't the greatest at flying. Barry wasn't extremely ecstatic to see them at all, especially with no notice and everything going on. He did want to talk to Felicity about things and I have always loved scenes between them.
Emily Kinney, who played Beth on The Walking Dead, played the villain of tonight's episode. Brie Larvan, or the Bug-Eyed Bandit was controlling these bees and causing chaos. It was nice to see her in a villain role since I only know her as Beth. She did a nice job in the role, although I definitely wouldn't want to be the victim of one of her attacks. Barry was and it definitely hurt him, but he ended up being okay, although he kind of did die for a moment. The bees weren't aren't bees though, they were instead robots that allowed Brie to see everything through them.
Another interesting thing tonight: Cisco began having memories of what happened before Barry went back in time. He saw Wells reveal himself as the Reverse Flash and he saw Wells kill him. I was wondering how that whole time jump would come into play and it has in this form, almost like a deja vĂș moment. What would be interesting is if this same sort of memory is what reveals to Iris that Barry is The Flash. Cisco also noticed Barry's semi-hostile attitude and talked to Joe about it. Joe seemed to sense something wasn't right with Cisco in the process, which makes sense because he had another one of those memory flashes.
Eddie, Iris, Felicity, Ray, and Barry all looked so nice at their dinner. Ray decided to buy out the entire restaurant, which definitely was a tad to much (even Felicity said it). Problem was, it got super awkward super fast. Ray started talking about how him and Felicity share everything with each other, and Iris got a little bit jealous of that. The tension only increased between the table. Another issue was that Ray brought up Wells and Barry could not take it anymore. He had to walk out of the room and Felicity followed, giving a very quick list of everything that's happened in Starling City before telling Barry to tell her what was going on. He did talk to her and Felicity was also in shock. We couldn't really get a full conversation between them because Ray came to ask for help since things become really tense between Iris and Eddie at the table, plus, a bee showed up a STAR Labs.
Barry and Felicity's conversation was able to be continued a little bit after the disruption. Barry gave his opinion that Ray's a good guy, and Felicity told Barry that his friends are good people, also. I do think Barry would still prefer Oliver for Felicity, but maybe that's just me. Felicity even started to talk about how she knew Oliver was lying when she first met him when he asked her to do crazy tasks, but she did them anyway because she knew he was a good guy with a good heart.
Barry also gave some relationship advice to Iris when she questioned if Eddie was cheating. He told her that Eddie spends so much time out in the dark, that maybe he keeps stuff from her in order to keep her in the light. He, ultimately, just wants to see her happy and I really love that he did give her that advice.
A scene later, Caitlin was commenting on how lucky Felicity was to have Ray and she happened to accidentally say, "it's like dating Barry in Oliver's body" instead of Ray's. Caitlin was such a sweetheart about it and said her secret was obviously safe with her. I also love this friendship.
Ray and Barry teamed up to face Brie's bees along with Felicity on the computers. Felicity was in a full on computer duel with Brie. "She's like my nemesis. I've never had a nemesis before." I love her lines so much. I did feel like this scene was a little bit short. The good guys ultimately won and Brie was taken into captivity. Cisco also got stung by a bee to protect Ray and Caitlin. Luckily, Barry brought him back to life, so everything was okay.
Barry got the input of Dr. McGee, who once worked with Brie, on Harrison Wells. She said that after his loved one died, everything changed with him. It was like he was a different person. Which, as last week's episode showed, he was.
The episode ended with Iris giving Barry an ultimatum that either he tells her everything or they break up. And, after that, Barry and Joe shared their information on Dr. Wells with Caitlin and Cisco, something Barry was definitely nervous about doing. Caitlin was very hesitant to believe it, but Cisco knew it was true due to the dreams he's been having. Really good episode this week, I enjoyed it. The next episode is going to bring them even closer as the team delves further into who exactly Wells is. I'm looking forward to it and I will see you all tomorrow with recaps for Arrow and Supernatural.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015
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