Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Arrow (Episode 3x20) Recap

The episode most people have been waiting for finally aired tonight. Lazarus Pit, Olicity, and Thea were all the main focus points of tonight's episode, though the one I was most excited for was certainly Olicity, and actually Felicity's scenes in general this episode. Lots of awesome scenes tonight, so let's get right on into the recap. (Warning: This post contains spoilers.)

The episode started where it left off with Thea on the floor with her wound. She was able to move, but was barely conscious. Ollie luckily got there right away and he called an ambulance for her. The hospital scene was fantastic. Oliver's emotions when Thea lost her pulse and when they regained it through CPR were excellent. The doctor said that they could prolong her life as long as he wished, but she wouldn't get better, even if she were to become conscious again, so he was instead told to possibly consider other options. Big applause for Stephen Amell during this scene, his acting was absolute perfection. He brought me to tears. I also like how we saw Malcolm's vulnerability when he saw Thea. Diggle and Felicity came as soon as they heard the news to try and comfort Oliver, but when the League showed up in the distance, he couldn't deal with people he cared about getting hurt anymore. Ra's didn't need a plan, he already won. He went to where the smoke came from, gave Maseo a right hook (which he kinda did deserve), but then came the information that would ultimately pull Oliver to take over as Heir to the Demon. The Lazarus Pit.

Malcolm told Oliver everything he knew about the Lazarus Pit, but Oliver's hostility towards him was still there. They're in this mess because of him. The waters change a person, but if it can bring Thea back, Oliver doesn't care. He wants his sister back. Felicity also was very clear that she and Diggle would be joining him, no matter what he said. Malcolm would also go. But, in order to get there, they would need Ray's jet.

When Felicity asked him about it, including that it was Oliver who needed it, Ray told her that he knew there was something more between them. I like that fact that he wasn't bitter about it. I wouldn't say he understood, but in some ways, he did. He knew that Felicity cared too much to hurt Ray, she never did want to hurt Ray, but it's the way things go sometimes. It was a nice break up scene between them.

The jet scene was great, also. I love that Oliver talked about those 5 years to Felicity; the times when he wasn't on the island. He spoke about the time he came back and saw Thea had a drug problem and how that made him feel. He felt like he failed. He was showing all of his emotions to her. He looked broken inside, but he was still strong in other ways. It was excellent. What I also liked was that Felicity just listened. She didn't say anything in response to it. Her being there comforted him enough. He just needed to say some things out loud and she was there to hear it.

When they arrived to Nanda Parbat, let me just say, there were a lot of assassins. I wasn't expecting there to be that many, but there had to be hundreds. Diggle had some words for Maseo when he showed him his room, and the fact that he's always standing up for someone he cares for like his own brother is so great. He basically said that the League was cowardly, hurting others to get what they wanted. It was unfair that Oliver was being pushed into taking the position. And ultimately, when Maseo told him about Akio and the fact that he was dead, Diggle just asked if he would be proud of what his father's done. That was a really good scene between the two.

Those who go into the Pit certainly don't come out the same. Thea lunged out of it after she was submerged and the ritual was said. It was a crazy moment that came out of nowhere. She was violent towards her brother and didn't know how to act normally. She was like an animal until they put her unconscious. The problem was, Thea didn't remember Oliver being alive, or that her mother was dead, but she did remember that Malcolm was her father. According to Ra's, the confusion would pass. Oliver didn't care about the confusion, he was okay because his sister was okay.

Felicity Smoak. I love her. She fully spoke her mind to Ra's. She was sick of the entire thing. She was sick of the actions Ra's was taking. She couldn't stand the fact that the person she loved was being forced into something he didn't want to do. She and Diggle wouldn't give up on bringing Oliver back. Ra's talked about how he was denied the ability to say goodbye to his loved ones, but Felicity has that opportunity. He said that she needs to tell him she loves him, everything she feels, before he loses her forever. Great scene.

The following scene was also great. Felicity spoke to Oliver and he continued to talk about his past and how he didn't know whether he should be the next Ra's al Ghul. He didn't know if his past was for something because it led him to this, and that seems like nothing. "You have done so much. You have saved so many people's lives and you have changed so many people for the better... including mine. Knowing you has changed my life. You opened up my heart in a way I didn't even know was possible. I love you." The sex scene was absolutely perfect. It was intimate and beautiful. There 'morning after' was also. It was sweet and intimate. They were smiling and kissing, toasting to the two of them, but Felicity did have a trick up her sleeve. She wouldn't let Oliver leave, she couldn't lose him, so she put a sedative in his drink. It was deceitful, yes, but I understand why she did it. She didn't even know if it was a sedative, but she couldn't let Ra's get him.

Diggle, Felicity, and Oliver intended to get him out through the catacombs, but to get there was guarded with Assassins. Felicity and Malcolm both took down some of them and Maseo came to help, which was nice to see that he would help his friend. Luckily, Oliver woke up and was able to say that he was "Al Sah-Him" and order the men to put down their weapons. He loved Felicity all the more for trying to save him, but it would only end one way. The goodbyes between Oliver and John & Oliver and Felicity broke my heart so much. I also liked that Oliver said that him and Felicity should't say goodbye this time, leaving it open that they'll reunite someday. The look on his face as she walked away was of determination. He was going to find his way back to her. Some great quotes took place during this scene.

Thea didn't remember anything from Nanda Parbat. She didn't know where Oliver was and when she found out that he had to join the League to save her, she was devastated. The Felicity and Laurel scene was another great one. Her telling Laurel that he joined the League and Laurel comforting her was so emotional.

Ra's questioned why he shouldn't go after Oliver's friends and Oliver gave one sole answer: he stayed. He also questioned who helped them and Maseo confessed, but because he was willing to fully accept his death, Ra's spared his life, both for his honor and to help Oliver in his transformation.

Oliver got the mark from Ra's at the end of that episode and we saw the full transformation. He was now Al Sah-Him, eventually to become Ra's al Ghul. Absolutely fantastic episode tonight. Everyone's acting was great, but I have to commend Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. Outstanding job by the both of them. So many great scenes, so many great quotes, so many great moments. It was definitely one of my favorites of the season for so many reasons. The preview looks intense also, and Oliver in front of Diggle on his knees as Al Sah-Him with others around is definitely going to hurt, but he won't hurt his brother. Not at all. I'm looking forward to it, as well as the rest of the episodes for this season. I hope you all enjoyed tonight. Oh and of course... Remember 320.

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