Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Flash (Episode 1x19) Recap

Tonight's episode preview of The Flash showed that the team would learn much more about Wells and who he actually is. Cisco and Joe were traveling to Starling City to meet up with Detective Quentin Lance, as well as the Black Canary (Laurel Lance). There was also a new metahuman in Central City, Hannibal Bates, but this one could change into any person he touches, so I was definitely looking forward to seeing how that would impact Barry, Caitlin, Eddie, and Iris back in their home city. (Warning: This post contains spoilers.)

Caitlin is certainly the most resistant to believe what's going on with Wells. She wants solid proof, which is understandable, but at the same time, it's hard for them to get it right now, which is why Joe and Cisco have traveled to Starling City. She even attempted to go to Wells' house in order to talk to him herself, but Barry stopped her. Wells has helped Caitlin so much through all the hard times, which makes even more sense why she's so convinced he can't be this evil mastermind.

It was so funny when Barry and Eddie went to visit the woman at her home to question her about Hannibal Bates. They were absolutely squished on the couch. However, that certainly wasn't the woman they thought it was. Instead, it was Hannibal Bates himself. Barry was forced to run like a normal person in order to prevent Hannibal from wanting to touch him, very different from his super speed. In the process of running, Hannibal changed into Eddie and shot two cops, which was caught on camera. In turn, he was brought into custody while Barry tried to prove him innocent. Iris had been giving Eddie the cold shoulder lately, but as soon as she heard the news, she was devastated and extremely worried about him, but Barry was going to make sure he would be okay. I also like the fact that later on, Eddie told the truth without telling it. He told Iris that he was working with the Flash and that's what he was hiding, but he didn't reveal who he was, which was nice to see.

The Barry and Eddie scene when Barry takes him away from the prison was fantastic. Eddie had to convince him that he needs to be The Flash, he needs to do his job the right way. As soon as Barry got Eddie back and he was back at his house, the metahuman showed up as Eddie saying that he was released and knocked Barry out. Caitlin showed up not too long after and met this fake Barry, but she didn't seem to notice the difference between them, though he was certainly acting weird. He also kissed Caitlin, and though she was very surprised at first, she kissed back the second time, but only for a moment because a beep went off letting them know that Iris was there. I really wanted this kiss to actually be between Caitlin and Barry, himself, but alas, things can't always be that nice.

Evil Barry was well prepared to shoot Iris and Caitlin before Wells showed up and tasered him. Caitlin and Iris planned to take him into custody, but that was certainly a bad idea when Hannibal shifted into a little girl claiming to be kidnapped, causing someone to open the door and allowing him to escape. Hannibal morphing into Barry allowed them to know that he has no memory from the person he copies or any of their powers, which was good in Barry's case. This meant Barry could touch him without worrying about anything. Barry tracked him, but had to face him morphed into his friends, which caused him to hesitate at first before going full force. Hannibal was able to harbor some of Barry's power when he morphed into the Flash, though he wasn't nearly as fast and Barry was able to defeat him with the serum Caitlin created. Seeing multiple shifts occur one after the other was very cool. Seeing what Hannibal actually looked like was also cool, but he did end up locked in STAR Labs.

I loved getting to see the interaction between Quentin, Cisco, Joe, and Laurel. Cisco was completely in love with Laurel from the moment he saw her, it was adorable. Laurel had a job for Cisco of her own after she revealed that she was the Black Canary. Cisco got so excited, it was so cute. These characteristics are what make me love him. I loved Laurel in this episode as a guest star. Her job for Cisco was to modify her sisters device to suit her more, which is how the Canary Cry is born. Also, the picture of the two of them with her as the Black Canary -- so cute.

Quentin, Joe, and Cisco also discovered something of their own. A body where the accident occurred is certainly going to give them more information and proof that Wells isn't who he says he is. They ran DNA tests and the body matches, which means that Caitlin now believes Barry, Joe, and Cisco. They finally discovered that Wells is indeed a different person, which will be very interesting to see how they go about approaching this.

The scene between Wells and Joe at the end of the episode was definitely weird. He asked about Joe's wife, who hasn't been mentioned yet, but also said they should get a drink sometime. So, who knows where that will go. Cisco searched the entire blueprint of STAR Labs before finding Wells' hidden room with the Reverse Flash suit. Barry also saw the projection of the future, which showed an article that the Flash was missing, written on April 25, 2024.

I enjoyed this episode, it was so much fun guessing who was actually themselves and who was Hannibal shifted into someone else. It also had some big and important information revealed to the team. Next week looks very intense as the team decides to actually face Wells, so it should be a good one. Cisco seems to be at the center of the plan. I'm looking forward to it.

Reminder: Be sure to check back tomorrow for recaps of Arrow and Supernatural

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