It's the day of the big wedding! The marriage of Diggle and Lyla took place tonight on Arrow. I've been excited for this episode since we knew it would happen and Dig proposed, especially from the promotional pictures. I was looking forward to the Suicide Squad being part of this episode, as well. The promo itself also said Ray would found out Oliver's secret identity and let's just say he didn't seem like his biggest fan. Warning: This post contains spoilers.
The episode opened with the wedding and it was adorable. I loved when Dig said, "If you hurt her, they'll never find your body" to Ray. He'll always be there to protect Felicity and it's such a great friendship. Lyla and Diggle are such a cute couple. I love them. The little Thea and Roy moment was so cute, too. They were all so happy it made me happy. Also, Felicity catching the bouquet has some good signs for the future, if you know what I'm saying. (And no, not with Ray). Of course, nothing good could last forever and the team got the news that there was a new Arrow in town and he was killing people. I do wish the wedding scenes could have been longer, but the rest of the episode was so packed with things that I understand why it wasn't.
Ray was so set on stopping the Arrow, especially when the fake one came to town. This didn't go well when his Atom suit recognized Oliver's face in the Arrow suit. That really became an issue. He attempted to go to the cops, but had to face Laurel to state his case, who was obviously going to protect Oliver. Even when Oliver showed up at his office, he was so spectacle. He wouldn't trust anything Oliver said at all, either.
There was no doubt in my mind that Felicity would support Oliver. Ray is so convinced that Oliver's the bad guy and he wouldn't even trust what Felicity was trying to tell him. That's been my biggest issue with him. He refuses to trust her and she deserves someone who will. She knows Oliver better than anyone and it didn't take long for Ray to catch on to the fact that Felicity has feelings for him. She automatically responded with "yes" to the accusation, but then said it was only before, but that certainly isn't true. Ray wasn't going to listen no matter what she said.
I really loved that Oliver was so set on Lyla and Diggle having their special day in its entirety and not having it cut short. However, of course Floyd Lawton, also known as Deadshot, would show up. I always enjoy seeing his character. And thus, the Suicide Squad came together to take on Ra's Al Ghul. So, their honeymoon was spent with them searching for the senator and other captives instead of just with Lyla, but then again, it's kind of fitting for them, isn't it? Although, the Senator didn't really seem to be the victim here. He pulled a gun on his rescuers, so he was obviously involved. It was a scam to make him appear a hero.
The Suicide Squad scenes were great. Although, Cupid was a little bit annoying at times. The building was rigged with bombs and suddenly Diggle and Lyla realized just as dangerous their situation was, especially with their baby girl at home. Deadshot was determined to get them out alive and back home to Sara, and from Diggle and him being against each other in the beginning of the show, that certainly is character development. Deadshot was the one to allow the rest of them to escape. I was really sad when he stood on top of the building, took out the picture of his family, and smiled to himself right before the bomb went off. The important thing for him was that Diggle and Lyla got home safely to their daughter. I'm not sure if I actually believe he's dead or not, it seems like you never know with shows these days. Whether he's dead or not, that scene pulled at my heart because I always love seeing his character and would be very sad if he's actually gone. However, I do think it was a nice way for him to go if he is.
We got to see some Floyd flashback scenes and that was so great. The first scene where he returns home from war and sees his wife was adorable, especially when he sees his daughter who doesn't remember him from the last time she saw him since she was so little. This episode drew awareness to the impact war has on soldiers, especially after they return. Floyd was different from before he left, now he was drinking a lot. He was yelling when things weren't going smoothly, and he ultimately felt that no one understood what he was going through. He was place in a facility because of his uncharacteristic outbursts but was released on bail because his services were needed, unfortunately to hunt and kill Diggle's brother.
The scene between Oliver and the other Arrows, since there is actually more than one fake killing people, was such a cool fight scene. I always enjoy the fight scenes. I do wish that Maseo was on the side of Oliver instead of remaining loyal to Ra's. He knows Oliver wouldn't do what Ra's does, but he is committed to persuading him to join the League.
Earlier in the episode, there was a scene where Oliver actually raised his voice at Felicity because he was pissed she never told him about Ray's plan of having a super suit. I loved that scene so much. Later on in the episode, there was a little bit of tension between them. She made the assumption that Oliver wishes Ray were actually dead. He doesn't wish that at all, rather he knows what she deserves and Ray certainly isn't proving that he deserves her. Oliver doesn't even think he, himself, deserves her. Felicity put it great, "What I deserve is to be with someone who isn't afraid of being happy." It's up to Oliver to realize that he knows he needs to allow himself to be happy, also.
The face-off between Oliver and Ray didn't have me in any doubt who would win. Ray may have the super suit, but Oliver knows how to fight and notices things way better. It didn't take long for him to see the weak spot in the Atom suit. He proved to Ray he wasn't a killer because if he was, he would have killed him right then and there. Instead, he sent him off with some words of advice: to trust Felicity. He allowed him to go back to her because that's what would make her happy. Her happiness is always going to be his priority.
When Diggle told Lyla he was leaving Team Arrow at the end of the episode my heart dropped. Lyla resigned, but told Diggle that he shouldn't quit the Team. What they do is good work. He didn't tell Oliver he was going to leave during their last scene, so it seems as though he's staying for now. He did say "we" when he referred to having to stop the imposters. Also, the little kiss on the cheek Felicity gave Oliver at the end of the episode when she thanked him for proving her right was really nice. His little smile after that was adorable. He loves her so much. It's so clear to see, but he won't allow himself to be with her until she feels he deserves her.
Maseo at the end of the episode. I desperately wish he wasn't taking part in all of this. He killed one innocent and the worst part is that his second arrow was pointed at Felicity before it was fired and the episode ended. The question is, is she actually hit with it?
I'm very excited for next week. I'm excited for every week with Arrow, let's face it. Tonight's episode was great, even all the sad parts and suffering. Who knows, maybe Felicity is hurt, maybe someone else in the room is hit (like Ray since there are rumors he's in the hospital the next episode). If it's Felicity, my heart will definitely be hurting. Oliver is also a wanted man the next episode, so we'll see next week what goes down. I'm looking forward to it.
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Wednesday, March 25, 2015
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