Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Flash (Episode 1x16) Recap

So, what events would happen in place of those that happened last week? I was very excited to see the outcome of the time travel in this episode and it was a good one. Warning: This post contains spoilers.

Wells was fully aware and the first to notice that Barry had ruptured the time continuum. However, instead of telling Barry to fix things, he told him to do exactly when he did before. This would cause the future to remain intact and in turn, Barry would go missing. Barry, being the good person he is, can't allow people to die. Instead of doing the same thing, he decides to capture Weather Wizard prior to any of the tragic events that would occur. The future always has a way to compensate, though.

I've felt so bad for Cisco the past two episodes. This day was just not meant to be good for him. We got to see his family and brother, Dante, in this episode, but unfortunately, his brother is the 'prized' child. His brother was basically glorified by his parents. Dante is the one who is the outstanding piano player, the one who was 'touched by God'. It makes me so sad to see that they don't consider Cisco's talents to be as great as they are. It was definitely nice for Caitlin to be there with him so that he had some support in a room drooling over his brother.

Captain Cold was back, but not just him. His sister, Lisa, showed up, also, and unfortunately, Cisco was once again the one being threatened. He was at a bar drinking away when she approached him, faking a story that would have definitely made Cisco's day better. Now, it was either he made Cold a new gun or his brother's life would be in danger. It seems as though the way a villain normally gets their was is by threatening family. The problem is, this weapon is even stronger than before and this is how things begin to right themselves.

I really liked the fact that Barry was honest with Linda about having feelings for something else. It was more so now that he knew how Iris also felt and did kiss her in the future, but he wasn't going to lead Linda on. Barry's an honest guy and she definitely appreciated that honesty. I love that she was supportive, telling him to go after Iris. Yes, she may have definitely been upset about it, but you could tell that she wanted to see Barry happy. He definitely also cared about making sure she was okay. It was a nice scene.

As for Barry telling Iris about how he felt, he was as excited as a kid on Christmas. What disappointed me is that Iris still didn't admit to the fact that she cared more about him than she lets on. Barry went from being so happy to tell her and have her say the same thing back, but it didn't happen. I understand Iris' reaction and her being upset with him telling her for a second time, but Barry wasn't wrong about her feelings. She may still have herself convinced that she doesn't feel anything, but it's certainly not true. This is how time begins to right itself. While Barry and Iris shared the moment in the future before, it was entirely different now because there was no catalyst for Iris to finally come to the realization and admit her feelings. There was also the punch from Eddie to add all this.

The scene later on in the episode between Dante and Cisco was so much more meaningful than the ones in the beginning. I guess you could say it was Dante's redemption scene. He admitted to always being jealous of Cisco because of the way he lives his life. Cisco was never scared to pursue his talents, but Dante was always the concert pianist to his parents and never could do what he really loved. They both stood no chance against Cold and Nick, but it was nice to see they tried to put up a fight. The ultimatum to save both their lives was to tell Cold who the Flash was. Cold tortured his brother and would have killed him if Cisco didn't give him the answer.

When Cisco arrives back at STAR Labs, he doesn't hide any of the events that occurred. That's something I love about Cisco. He'll tell the truth to his friends, no matter how much it could hurt him. Barry embracing him and recognizing it as his fault this has all happened was nice to see. He wasn't going to let his friend blame himself for something that wouldn't of happened under different events, though those events didn't end any better. It still made me sad when Cisco left the room, saying that he didn't deserve to be there because of the danger he put them in.

Joe offered some advice to Iris that was extremely important. She needs to let Eddie and Barry see that the person she loves is Eddie. She's sending mixed feelings to the both of them because she's not truly sure about her feelings either.

The scene between Cisco and Wells at the end began to worry me so much when it first started. It was very similar to the scene in which Cisco died in the other version of the future. Wells even began his same monologue about Cisco being like a son to him. Thankfully, Caitlin interrupted them. I don't think I could have handled seeing that again. The issue is, Wells was fully prepared to kill him again after revealing his identity and it shows just how bad a man he is. I don't doubt he knew the events of the other future even though he refused to allow Barry to tell him them, especially since he always asks about it in his secret room to ensure it remains intact.

I really liked Barry's confidence towards Cold at the end of the episode. He was very clear that no one else would get hurt because of Cold and if he went near his family or friends, Barry would be after him. It wasn't a definite answer, but Cold did say he secret would be safe for now, which I guess is all Barry could really ask for. I really love the character of Cold so it's nice to see him every now and again.

The Eddie that punched was in a completely different mood from the Eddie that hugged Barry at the end. That, was all thanks to Caitlin's "lightning psychosis" explanation to save him. Definitely a funny little scene since Iris and Eddie believe it. I love their friendship so much, they're always there to protect each other.

The episode ended with Wells, again, being a villain only out to protect himself. The man Iris works with, Mason Bridge, was very much onto Wells, but unfortunately was killed by him before the work could be seen by anyone. My favorite part is how Wells walks around like nothing happened. Barry saw the news that Mason was said to be missing and automatically skipped out of STAR Labs. This is the crucial moment in which Barry realizes that maybe Joe is right, maybe Wells is everything that Joe says he is.

Next week is the episode with Mark Hamill, who I will be entirely honest, was definitely probably my first 'crush' growing up. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, have been for as long as I can remember, honestly, and Luke was always my favorite. I'm super excited to see him as the Trickster next week. It should definitely be a good episode. As for tonight's, I really liked it. It was cool to see how things changed, but still in some ways balanced out what would have happened, though it definitely didn't seem to cause the consequences the tidal wave would have. The good thing? Barry's starting to figure out what's up with Wells, and that is certainly important for the rest of the season.

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