On tonight's episode of The Flash Barry's traveling back in time to pretend to be his old self so that Dr. Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) can teach him how to run faster. Things don't go as smooth as he hopes an old foe shows up. We're also getting to see Eddie again since we are back before the finale of season one occurred.
To the past we go. Barry's mad that he trusted someone and they betrayed him yet again. He's more determined than ever to get faster and defeat Zoom. Caitlyn tests discover that Zoom, the Flash, and Reverse Flash all move their legs at the same speed, but their feet are most likely touching the ground less, propelling them forward faster.
Wally's success in his engine project by reading the journals of past engine designs like Porsche, etc. gives Barry the idea to go back in time and talk to the old Harrison Wells. Current Wells is against it because it can alter the timeline, but Barry believes he'll be able to do it successfully by impersonating his old self. He knows what time he's going to, what was going on in that timeline, and everything they do and do not know at that time. So, he's well prepared.
Back to the time of the Pied Piper we go as Barry travels back, but along the way he passes a time wraith who'll show up in a little bit. He also lands in the same area as one of his showdowns with Hartley, which isn't the best start, but it actually works since he remembers what happens and is also able to take out his old self and replace his emblem. Operation Future Barry impersonating past Barry is a go.

Wells and Barry discuss his wanting to get faster and he shows the algorithm he's been trying to figure out, but they're interrupted when the Time Wraith shows up at CCPD. The Flash goes to help and that's when Barry sees Eddie for the first time since everything happened. When Barry gets to talk to him, past Joe realizes that something's up with him and he's acting weird. He attributes it with Barry having told Iris he loves her, but we all know it's a different reason.

Cisco wants to know the frequency of Hartley's gauntlets, but the Time Wraith shows up to Star Labs chasing Caitlyn to the cells where Cisco and Hartley are and actually inside the cell the three go to stay safe from the Wraith. Luckily, Hartley uses his gauntlets and is able to drive the Wraith away.
Past Barry finally woke up. The tranquilizer didn't last that long. So now, Cisco and Caitlyn also know that there are two Barry's. Cisco's flipping out because he can't figure out what's what and how things will effect the timeline, so future Barry has to stop talking. And in order to get rid of the Time Wraith, future Barry has to go back.
Wells gives Barry a drive with everything he needs to know to run faster. He can finally go home and if the drive doesn't work, he's coming back. Before leaving, he tells Cisco that Hartley knows where Ronnie is. The emblems are switched and future Barry heads back home along with the Time Wraith. Cisco thought that they figured out how to stop it because he told past Cisco and Caitlyn to figure it out, but their device doesn't work. Luckily, Hartley's there to help out and he uses his gauntlets to defeat it. Low frequency, high intensity is the key. Hartley's very friendly and he says that if they need anything, to give him a call. (Glad they left it open for him to come back.) And it seems as though they're friends now.
Iris' new romance and her old love. At their family dinner, Iris decided to tell Barry about her date with her boss and how qualities about Scott remind her of Eddie. Barry tells her that Eddie would want her to be happy and that only she knows when she's going to be able to move on, but she can't close herself off to something great during the process.
While in the past, Barry asks Eddie to record a video for Iris' birthday even though it's two months away. He tells him to say whatever he would if it was the last thing he could ever say to her. (Cue the tears.) Iris doesn't know that Barry went back in time, but Barry shows her the video saying that it was from something he was putting together last year. This was such a good scene and the message was so nice, especially for Iris to see and hear.
Back to the present. At first it seems that the file won't work, but after Barry bangs his fist down, it does. All of his information is there. Actual Harrison Wells is still looking for Jesse and angry that he can't find her. He's afraid he's made the wrong decisions, but Barry says that he just needs to trust that he's made there right ones.
So, sometimes you need to revisit your past in order to move forward as Barry says. And now he has what he needs to go after Zoom. Unfortunately, that won't be for another three weeks. In three weeks we'll see Barry come face to face with Zoom again and we'll be learning more about Hunter Zolomon. As for tonight, I really enjoyed the episode and thought it was a great one. It was a joy seeings Rick Cosnett (Eddie) and Andy Mientus (Hartley) reprise their rolls. Hopefully we'll see them again at some point in the future.
The Flash returns April 19th at 8/7c on The CW.
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