We're dealing with werewolves this week and as Sam and Dean are about to defeat two and save their victims, Sam's shot. Dean gets his brother and the victims out of the house, but the werewolves are still after them in hopes to kill them all.
48 hours earlier. So tonight's episode is a before and after sort of thing. 48 hours earlier, the brothers haven't found out any new information on Lucifer or Amara, but Sam found this case, which is what put them in the position they find themselves in 48 hours later. Sam and Dean head to a bar to find out any information about the missing people but are unsuccessful because the woman at the counter says she doesn't know anything. Or does she? Spoiler alert: she does. When do suspicious characters know nothing, let's be real.
Present time. Sam's been shot. Both of the victims are safe, and Sam's shot in his stomach and they all move away from the area to get Sam help. They, along with the two victims (Corbin and Michelle), travel through the woods and find a cabin. They're in search for a radio or phone since they have absolutely no signal. Corbin wants to leave Sam behind because he's slowing them down, but Dean refuses to leave his brother behind. Back at the house they were originally in, the woman from the bar and the guy that was also there show up to see that the two werewolves there were killed. Their plan was to serve Sam and Dean to them but that failed.
Sam tells the Corbin to take his wife, go find Dean, and get out of there. He knows Dean won't leave Sam behind and they won't survive without Dean, so he decides to take matters into his own hands and suffocates Sam. We also see that he has a bit on his arm. When Dean goes back inside and sees Sam on the ground seemingly dead, he intends to stay and let the rest of the wolves come, but the Corbin says the he can fight and help save their lives. He promises he'll come back for Sam. They make it out to the main road and flag down a police vehicle. When the police officer says that Dean can't leave, Dean punches him and then gets tasered and ends up in the hospital.

Michelle runs to grab a doctor for help and they're going to work on helping Dean not actually die. While this is happening, Corbin is turning into a werewolf. Billie shows up while they're working on bringing Dean back, but Billie says that no matter what the circumstances were, the answer will always be no. And then she hits him with the fact that Sam's not actually dead. Luckily, the doctor's are able to bring Dean back and he's alive.

Dean was arrested for stealing and consuming an illegal amount of drugs, as well as punching a police officer, but Michelle lets him out of the handcuffs when the police officer leaves the room to speak to the doctor. He talks to Sam briefly on the phone but the connection is muffled so Sam can't tell him that the husband has been infected. Michelle finds the doctor unconscious and then sees her husband kill the police officer. He then wants to turn her, but Dean moves in to get him away from her and then Sam shows up to put a bullet in him.
Sam's body went into shock after Corbin choked him according to the doctor so he was just mostly dead. Michelle says that she's been told she can leave, but she can't bring herself to because she doesn't know what's after this. She doesn't know what could possibly be after this. Once Sam's released, he asks Dean what he did when he thought he was dead and Dean just says he knew he wasn't, so it'll be interesting to see if Sam ever finds out what Dean really did.
Great acting by both Jensen and Jared tonight. Some of it was emotionally hard to watch because they both were in pain. Next Wednesday we're going back to the Lucifer and Amara stuff, so we'll see where that takes us.
Supernatural airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.
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