It's Earth-2 part two. Barry's being held at Zoom's lair and the team is on their way to help, but they have a limited amount of time. Killer Frost is also with them to help. Back on Earth-1, Caitlin's working to perfect Velocity 9 so Jay can defeat Geomancer.
Zoom is on the hunt for Harrison Wells. And Harrison Wells is panicked because of it, especially since he's worried about Jesse and what may happen to her. After the news, Wells and Cisco release Earth-2 Barry from the room he was being held in and they don't have enough time to explain what's going on, but they need to get out of there since Zoom shows up. They hide in the Time Vault, but Zoom soon finds it. Luckily, there's a second fake wall so he doesn't see them. At this point, Earth-2 Barry is freaking the hell out because he has no idea what's going on, so as soon as they're safe, they tell him.
While Earth-1 Barry and Jesse are in their cells, Barry's trying to calm down, telling her to have faith in her dad. Jesse has some other opinions about him, though. She asks how he can trust a person who only cares of himself, but Barry counters and tells her that for the time he's known him, the only thing Wells has cared about was Jesse. He also tells her that Wells said that the only person smarter than him was Jesse. Barry also thinks the man in the mask is trying to tell them something through his knocking. Knowing what her dad said about her, Barry and Jesse work together to figure out what he's trying to tell them, and after Jesse notices that he never knocks past five, which helps Barry to figure out that it's a 5x5 code used by POWs. Using this system, they discover that he spells out Jay, but then they're interrupted by Zoom and Barry gets the crap beat out of him, but Zoom phased into the cell, which means that Barry knows how to get out.
Earth-2 Barry shows up at the CCPD and Iris isn't happy with how he's acting, but he takes her to his lab to meet with Wells and Cisco and explain everything. She's had a hard time tracking down Zoom, but then suggests that maybe contacting a metahuman that has worked with him may help. Luckily, Earth-2 Barry has some cool technology that tracks metahumans and they decide to go find Killer Frost and get her help. (The system isn't fast enough to track Zoom. He leaves no trace.) Both Iris and Barry #2 go along with them.

Cailtin discovers how to save Jay's life, but before she can tell him, Geomancer shows up and crashes the party. He attacks Iris and Caitlin, but luckily, Caitlin's able to shoot him and they capture him. Bye, Bye, Geomancer. After he's taken away, Caitlin shows Jay that after Velocity 9 is in his system, his cells start to repair themselves, so now it's about making it permanent. Another problem they're facing is that the breach isn't stabilized and with a limited amount of time, they need to fix it, otherwise the part of the team in Earth-2 will be stuck there forever.
Wells is reunited with his daughter and Frost helps to break Jesse's chain, but her powers aren't working on Barry's cell's glass. Barry's not fast enough to phase through it and he tells them to just go, but then Barry #2 tells him how much they risked to get there. He did things he never thought possible because he needed to prove to himself and Iris that he could, so just as he did the impossible today, so can Barry. Barry #1 needs to believe in himself because if he tells himself he can do it, he will. (This scene was awesome.) Barry giving Barry a pep talk worked, and he got out, but then Zoom shows up because Killer Frost double crossed them. Thing is, she luckily has a change of heart and uses her powers to stop Zoom from killing Jesse and hold him off so they can get away. After all, he killed Ronnie. Barry didn't want to leave the other guy in the iron mask, but there wasn't enough time. He promised he would come back for him.
In order to stabilize the breach, Jay and Joe work together and are successful. Barry #1 warns Barry #2 and Iris to get out of Central City and they have some people in Atlanta they can stay with. Barry #1 also tells Barry #2 that what he did today was something to be proud of. He may not have super speed, but he used his own power today.
Wells and Jesse are heading back to Earth-1 with Barry and Cisco. Cisco and Jesse are the first through, but Zoom's on their tale and almost gets Wells. Luckily, he stabs Zoom and Barry's able to get himself and Wells through in time. Jay closes the breach, but it doesn't close fast enough and as it's closing, Zoom reaches through Jay and pulls him back, so now he's in Earth-2. Whether he's dead or alive, I guess we'll find out eventually.
Another really good episode and really good second part to Earth-2 tonight with an unfortunate ending. When it was happening, I knew something was up and that Jay would most likely be pulled through, but that didn't make it any better. Next week, it seems like we'll be getting an episode that's The Flash, but Jaws style. John Diggle and Lyla also make an appearance in Central City next week to warn them about their next metahuman.
Other things worth mentioning:
⚡Earth-2 Barry isn't happy when he hears Earth-1 Barry got "frisky" with Iris. (In his mind, getting "frisky" is kissing.)
⚡The city's struggling to deal with no Flash being around and Iris' new boss isn't happy with how much faith she has in him in her new article. So, instead, she says that she could get an exclusive with Jay, the "New Flash." After he saves the people from the building, she has what she needs.
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