It's Valentine's Day on Supernatural tonight and what better way to spend it than investigating some murders? Sam and Dean are dealing with an ancient curse that marks a person to die. Not the love filled episode you'd hope Sam and Dean would have, but hey, this is Supernatural we're talking about.
A 19-year old babysitter, Stacey, was murdered in Ohio after she was having an affair with the father of the children she babysat for. Ironically, her heart was ripped out on Valentine's Day. Dean and Sam go to investigate and while Sam's going to the morgue, Dean goes to talk to the husband, Dan, that was screwing the babysitter. Dean knows and he gets him to admit that he was having an affair. He took the nanny cam (which was missing) because they had kissed in front of it. He just wanted to erase the kiss first, but then he saw what was on it. It's him, entering the room, and ripping her heart out. He claims he was there at dinner the entire time and is panicked that Dean won't believe him, but Dean does. Let's face it, weirder things have happened.

Melissa may not be the shifter, but she's got a box of hex items hidden away in one of her cabinets. She puts them down the garbage disposal and calls a friend saying she thinks she messed up and that Dan is now dead, along with her babysitter. However, that night, 'Dan' tries to get into her house, going so far as to break through to door to get to her. She's successful in getting away and goes to Sam and Dean's motel. She tells them that her hairdresser told her that there was a way to get her husband back. Her hairdresser is supposedly a white witch and she gave her a 'spell'. Luckily, she still has a copy of what is actually a curse. The curse loosely translates to the kiss of death. Basically, because Stacy kissed Dan, they both have the kiss of death, and now the curse wants to make its way back to her. After Evil Dan crashes into their motel, in a moment of wanting to protect Melissa, he kisses her, so now he's the one that's cursed. Sam knocked him down and they were able to get away, but we saw the Curse change into a woman as they drove away. This also proves their theory that the curse is transmittable.

While Sam's upstairs dealing with Sonya, Dean's downstairs when the Darkness shows up. He's aware that it's the Kareen. She says that she can feel the love he feels in his heart, but it's cloaked in shame. Dean admits that the real Amara does have a hold on him, but the imitation has none. And they start fighting and she almost punches his heart out, but Sam is able to stab the heart in time and she goes poof. Everyone's safe again, for now.
When they get back to the hotel, Sam asks who it was he saw that was trying to get to him. And Dean tells him it was Amara. Sam's not surprised and Dean isn't particularly surprised, either, but he's not happy about it. He's not happy that Amara is his deepest, darkest, desire. He wants to kill the Darkness, he wants to run a truck through her, but as soon as he's in front of her, things change. Sam understands, even though it's not a good thing at all. The good thing is that now Dean's being open with Sam about what's going on and how he's feeling, and he's being honest about he fact that he struggles if he's put in a position to kill her.
As for tonight's episode, an entertaining episode overall, but the most important part was definitely Dean telling Sam about Amara. How that impacts how they go after her will be interesting to see. Next week, Sam and Dean are dealing with time travel and we're seeing what Lucifer's up to in Hell, so we'll see what goes down with that next Wednesday.
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