Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Supernatural 11x04 Recap

Tonight's episode is all about the famous 1967 Chevy Impala that has become such a huge part of the show over the past eleven seasons. Told from the perspective of the car, it would be a difficult episode for any show to pull off, but Supernatural certainly accomplished their goal.

 The episode opens with a flash forward of Dean handcuffed in the back of the car and then cuts to 48 hours earlier, when Dean and Sam are washing Baby. Nothing new on the Darkness, nothing new on Metatron, but Cas is getting better so there's a plus.

Sam and Dean have a new case that they're looking into. Supposedly a werewolf. Dean pulls up to a bar called the Roadhouse and he's stopping there, while Sam is looking for a diner to do more research at. We don't see what happens in the Roadhouse, or the diner, but definitely a lot of drinking, definitely some mistakes. We do see Dean walk back to the car, to sit down, only to be greeted by his brother and a waitress in the back seat. Safe to assume Sam had a good night.

We got to see the brothers being brothers. Driving, eating, singing along to Night Moves. And some pretty nice shots of the car. It was awesome. We haven't had a scene like this in a while. It also allowed them to have a little moment about something in the future. A relationship with a fellow hunter who knows the life... just something in the future. Dean dismisses the conversation fairly quickly by saying Sam is tired, but with the life they live, it's tough to think about stuff like that for Dean, but Sam hopes that one day, there will be something instead of one nighters.

Sam wakes up from his sleep to young John Winchester driving the car, listening to a song he says Mary used to love. Matt Cohen got to come back and reprise his role as young John Winchester, and that was wonderful to see. I had no idea he was reprising the role and it was kept a secret from everyone. Even Matt himself took to Twitter to say that it was a scene that had already been used on the show. It was a pleasure to see him back on the show. John has words of his own about relationships and starting more. He never wanted the hunter life for the boys, but they turned out okay and that was because of themselves, not John, and he admits that. The dream, vision, whatever Sam wants to call it, comes with a message. The Darkness is coming, and only they can stop it. Any words of advice? "God helps those who help themselves."

Sam tells Dean of his dream with young John when he wakes up. He was singing the song that was playing in his sleep. Dean also finds out that Sam prayed in the hospital and that's when he got his first vision. Sam thinks they're messages from God, but all Dean can wonder if why he prayed. Sam finally lets him in on the fact that he was infected, and Dean's not too happy about him keeping it a secret. He calls it a "fever dream." Dean reveals that he also has a reoccurring dream of their Dad, living a normal life, being taught how to drive, and Sam says the same about having dreams about their Mom and living a normal life. And the scene ends in the only way to really end it: with an exchange of "Goodnight, jerk" and "Goodnight, bitch."

Dean goes to investigate the crime scene and is attacked by the deputy, who's this werewolf-vampire creature that isn't actually a werewolf-vampire creature. It can't be because it's not a solar eclipse. Silver bullets slow it down, and chopping its head off doesn't kill it either. This is all happening as Cas is on the phone trying to explain the whole werewolf-vampire lore to him that he's not hearing at all because he's busy fighting one. Sam was also attacked by two of them. Cas continues doing some research after Dean sends him a picture of its teeth, and he discovers that it's a ghoul-pire.

Sam and Dean have Lily Markham in the car with them because Sam helped to save her life, but she's actually part of this ghoul-pire pact because they have her kids, so she's trying in any way to save them. They get into a pretty intense fight in the back seat, but Lily ultimately gets back into the front seat and drives the car away while Sam is stopped in a store. She cuffs Dean in the backseat and puts the Deputy's head back on and now they're driving as a team, hoping that helping him will save her kids. Dean uses the necklace that was left in the back seat by the girl Piper Sam had a night with earlier to unlock the cuffs and get the Deputy to drive the car into some cones, shattering lots of windows on Baby, but helping him defeat the ghoul-pire. Also earlier in the episode, Dean got his car valet-parked, but the worker, Jessie, took the car for a spin instead. Her friend left her Hello Kitty purse, yes, Hello Kitty purse, in the back seat, and it's a good thing she did because he used the pennies from that purse in order to kill the ghoul-pire, because that's the only way to kill them. You need a pre-1982 penny in order to remind them that they're dead. Once he's killed, Dean's got other business to take care of. Sam was texted by the Deputy from Dean's phone and is being lead into a trap, along with Lily's kids. Baby doesn't start the first or second time, but finally turns on the third time and they speed to where they are.

Sam's safe, as are Lily's kids, but Baby is extremely roughed up, but we all know it's nothing Dean can't fix. Now, as for the way the ghoul-pire was defeated, that all pretty much only happened because the people that were in Baby left things in Baby, but for me, it had another meaning. Baby will always have the things the boys need to defeat the creatures they face. The car's been around since the beginning of everything and has been through so much with them. I don't think there's another show that can pull off an episode from the perspective of a car, but Supernatural did. I enjoyed it and I hope you all did, too.

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