Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Arrow 4x04 Recap

Beyond Redemption.
Laurel is still dealing with the consequences of bringing Sara back to life in Nanda Parbat and as shown in the preview, Detective Lance comes face-to-face with his now alive daughter. Oliver's running for mayor and Detective Lance's secret is revealed. Things went down, so let's get into them. Warning: Spoilers ahead. 

Thea and Laurel have returned and the first thing Thea asks if why Felicity isn't wearing '"it." She nearly spoils that Oliver is planning on proposing, but still hasn't had the chance to.

Not everyone's too keen on the idea that Oliver's running for mayor. For one, he's not a politician. Second, the money factor. The politician thing is going to be figured out by him and Felicity, and it may help his campaign. As for money, Palmer Tech is able to cover that. With Blood's old campaign office as his new one, the team's also got a new lair, with new state-of-the-art technology helped out by Cisco and S.T.A.R. Labs.

Curtis Holt is trying to guess who the Green Arrow is and is still unsuccessful. Felicity thinks that he's the one behind her phone codes, as though it's part of a prank, but it wasn't him. He recognizes the code from one of Ray's old prototypes. Felicity doesn't want to go further on knowing how he died because she already does know, but what she doesn't know is that he's actually not dead. So maybe looking into things can prove to be helpful.

Laurel has introduced her father to his now-undead daughter who is chained up in the basement. Sara still doesn't remember who she is and Laurel is desperately trying to get her to remember from old photos. She's speaking, but she also attempted to choke Laurel with the chains. Can't really call that progress.

Two Star City detectives were killed by Star City police officers and that's a problem for Lance. The team sets up a plan to lure them to the area in order to ambush them, but they get away. The team, along with Lance, faced them long enough for him to see that the training and the equipment definitely made them cops. That worries him because there's someone on the inside trying to do harm now. Lance recognizes them as members of the Task Force that was originally disbanded, but was reinstated last year.

Curtis still wants to hear the recording that Ray had before he left, but it's blocked by a password, Felicity knows, but doesn't want to give. Because he was her ex-boyfriend, she doesn't want to hear his voice again. Curtis tells her that his brother passed away six years ago from pancreatic cancer and he would do anything to hear his voice again. This scene gave us more background on Curtis, but also convinced Felicity to watch the video and see what actually happened.

Lance is meeting with Darhk with help with Sara. He wants to know if there's anything he can do to help her, and Damien gives the advice that if it was his daughter, he would put her down. Definitely not the advice he wanted.

Oh, the salmon ladder. I'm so glad they put one in the new lair. Felicity can enjoy it, Oliver can work out on it, and of course, the viewers can enjoy watching scenes from it. It's a win for everyone. Not the important part in the scene, but it deserved a mention. Felicity's been running facial recognition using the access Lance has given the team and an interesting image showed up. Lance's meeting with Damien Darhk is one of those images and Oliver's not happy about it... at all.

Oliver is angry. Damien Darhk is the person that has been causing chaos in the city and Lance is working with him. Lance has always held himself above Oliver, and Oliver says he was, until he discovered this. Lance was the main reason behind Oliver running for mayor because he wanted him to see what kind of man he really was. He didn't expect to find out what kind of man Lance really was. This scene was excellent. Fantastic acting from Stephen and Paul. Easily the best scene of the episode and probably one of my favorites between them throughout the show's history.

Thea and Oliver had a short, but nice scene as well. Oliver's concerned that his city is beyond saving. He always wanted to lead the city that existed.

Lance nearly follows Damien's advice, but Laurel talks him out of it. A moment of vulnerability for Lance that we don't see too often. Paul Blackthorne definitely shined tonight.

As he's leaving Laurel's, he's taken captive by the officers that are going against the system. The team shows up to their location once again and this time, they're more prepared for their gadgets.  The one that Oliver shot an arrow at that tied her up used a knife to get out of it and put the cord around his neck and a knife into his back. It took Lance talking her out of it to save him. They need to save themselves first, face justice, face their mistakes, and save the city. She lets Oliver go and Lance takes the officer into custody.

Lance intends to turn himself in, but Oliver has a different idea. He wants Lance to stay on the inside with Darhk so that they have someone who's close to him. He trusts the man who said they could save the city and having Lance's help can prove to be useful for the team.

Thea has hired Oliver an entire staff of people who will help him with his campaign. Mid-episode, he was concerned about whether he had to run, but he will be running. Thea's serving as his campaign manager, and she's helped to write his speech based on what he's said, himself. The only way to return to greatness is to do so together, as a team, united. I'm excited to see this campaign evolve.

Sara Lance has disappeared. She's no longer in the basement... so where is she? What was in the box Damien got? How will Oliver's campaign go? This all remains to be seen. I am so excited about the next episode for one person: Costantine. This has been a team up a lot of people have been looking forward to, whether they've watch Constantine or not. It should be a good one.

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