Saturday, April 4, 2015

Saturday Morning Musings (#6)

Good morning! I have to make today's post pretty short, sweet, and to the point because I have work in an hour and I won't be home all day after that, so luckily I thought about today's topic last night and it is: Arrow Season 3. So, let's get right on into it. (Warning: This post does contain spoilers for Arrow Season 3)

I've seen a lot of mixed reviews for Arrow this season. I haven't seen anyone say that they completely hate it, but I have seen some who say it hasn't been the best or on the other side of the spectrum, it's one of the best so far. I guess I would say I'm in between that range. Personally, I think it's been a really great season. It doesn't necessarily rush to the top of my list, but I have enjoyed the content we've gotten.

As far as the problems I've seen people have with this season, they are mainly these two things: the timeline is either moving too fast or there's too much/too little Olicity. I can see where some would say the timeline is going a bit too quickly because I do think it has moved a bit fast, but I also can see why they're moving it fast. The season has to set a tone and the tone this season has definitely been intense and dark, probably darker than previous seasons. Enemies like Ra's Al Ghul aren't going to just sit around and wait x amount of episodes to face Oliver Queen. They're going to face him quickly. I will say that I didn't expect Oliver to be brought back to life so quickly on the show. I would have liked a few more episodes of solely the rest of the Team, but seeing where the season has headed and how much has happened, I completely understand why they didn't have any time to prolong it further. There's also been some dislike towards Laurel as the Black Canary, which is everyone's personal opinion, but I can see where some of their arguments are coming from. She's grown on me as the Canary, recently, but I do understand that people feel she's become a hero a bit too quickly. So, yes, I can see where people are saying the speed of the season is a bit too fast, but I also see how it's sort of necessary for the way the story is going right now. There's no time to waste, everything is meant to be happening at a fast pace.

As for the Olicity part, I don't necessarily agree with what those who dislike the season are saying. I will be the first to say that I absolutely love Olicity and that they are my OTP, but I don't like that get in the way of my love for the show. If there's Olicity, and I believe there will be, that's fantastic, but if there aren't any moments between them in an episode, I completely understand. This goes for every single tv show: A show is more than its ships. The show has to focus on its story before delving into ships and I completely back the fact that Olicity hasn't necessarily truly happened yet. By 'truly happened' I mean that they're dating at that point. The connection is there, the attraction is there, but there is so much going on that things need to settle down before they can try to become a couple again. I also have seen that there's been too much relationship drama and I don't really see that. I think that you have a normal relationship between two people, though it is still a deeper friendship, and they're bound to fight and disagree. It makes it normal and not some perfect fantasy, which is what I've loved about them since the beginning.

Regarding the season in general, I've liked seeing Oliver struggle between his identity as the Arrow and his life as Oliver Queen. This is the season we've really seen that conflict inside him and the input from people around him. I think it's a nice theme to throw in there.

If you haven't seen the 75-second trailer for the rest of the season, I highly recommend you check it out. It's looks like the next five episodes are going to be really good ones. After watching it, I can definitely tell you that my emotions are definitely going to be messed with. You have Roy in prison, then you have Olicity, but you also have the death, and then Thea most likely becoming Speedy. There's a lot that's going to happen these next five episodes, but I am so excited to watch them. I'd love to hear what you've thought of this season so far in the comments below. I'll probably include my final thoughts in the finale recap for the season. As for today's post, I think that wraps everything up. I hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend if you're celebrating. Be sure to check back this week for some more posts.

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