Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Arrow (Episode 3x18) Recap

The Arrow had the police on his trail in tonight's episode promo. Not only were things going to be a bit more difficult, but Lance also had an encounter with Ra's Al Ghul. Mama Smoak also made her second appearance and I was definitely looking forward to watching. Warning: This post contains spoilers.

The episode picked up right where it left off. The arrow didn't hit Felicity, instead, it hit Ray who pushed Felicity out of the way. Not only did this hurt Ray, but it also put a warrant out for the Arrow for first degree murder due to the Mayor also being killed. Ray would have to have surgery that could possibly result in his death in order to get rid of a blood clot. Also, due to the news of what had occurred, Donna Smoak showed up at the hospital to support her daughter. She told her that she would need to help Ray by using the little robots he has because his life already was at risk. Taking the chance is worth it for the people we care about. And the risk was a good one because it worked.

There were a few Thea and Roy scenes this episode. Yes, the first scene was nice because they're back together, but I really loved the scene where Thea was trying to comfort him and tell him everything was going to be okay.

Being that it was Maseo shooting the arrows, Oliver sought Nyssa's help in locating him. Once they knew his location, the trio of Arsenal, Black Canary, and the Arrow, went after him with Diggle as their distant gunman. I really enjoyed this fight scene, as I always do. They fought him off and ultimately got Maseo at arrow-point, but then Ra's made his special appearance. As soon as he showed, the police helicopters were right behind and had the team under their spotlights. Of course, they didn't just surrender. It led to a full out police chase that was also really fun to watch. Oliver, Laurel, and Roy were successful in outrunning the cops. Definitely an intense group of scenes. Really loved watching this action sequence.

Lance was against the Arrow entirely. It was either he turned himself in or people continued to get hurt. At this point, Lance still didn't know the identity of the Arrow. That is, until Ra's got a hold of Lance himself. Ra's has been the one causing the problems and he only continues to cause them. Giving the identity of the Arrow away only makes things worse for Ollie. Lance blamed Oliver for everything that was happening. Sara's death, the rise of the vigilantes, he even 'threw shade' at Barry Allen in Central City. Not only did Lance know, but he then held a press conference and told the entire city. Everyone knew the Arrow's identity now all thanks to Ra's. The scene with Thea and Roy at the club also involved Oliver apologizing to Roy for bringing him into things. Everything seemed to be okay until the police stormed the club and Oliver was forced to run again. He did a lot of running this episode. The only place he could go to that he figured he'd be okay was Diggle's place.

The entire team showed up at Diggle's place, desperately trying to find ways to get him out of this. Ra's' plan the entire time was to turn the city against him and he did. He was going to go to all measures to get Oliver to accept his offer.

The scene between Felicity and her mom, oh my God. First Ray said she loved her and she couldn't say it back because she simply did not feel the same way. And when Donna started to talk to her, that's when all the emotions came. Donna simply said what Felicity felt only out loud. Felicity doesn't love Ray because she's in love with Oliver. She knew she was in love with Oliver within five seconds purely from the way Felicity lights up around him. He's the one she wants to be with and right now, it's hard for that to happen because there is so much going on, but it will.

Oliver left Diggle's place in order to turn himself in and was arrested. Team Arrow is so protective of him because they don't think he deserves to take the fall for everything. Oliver didn't want any of them to become involved and instead chose to give up his freedom so they can receive theirs. They've followed him this far and he needs them to follow him just a little bit further until it's over and let him do what he's doing, no matter how crazy it may seem. Oliver Queen still puts everyone's happiness before his and it kills me because he deserves to be happy.

The scene between Oliver and Lance was fantastic. Oliver said he loved Lance's family and Lance just hit him in the head. Oliver said that he never wanted anything to happen because of him being the Arrow, but Lance brought up the fact that so many people have died because of it: Tommy, Sara, and his mother. Such a fantastic scene because there was so much pain from Lance's side and so many emotions from Oliver's.

The episode ended with Roy showing up and stopping the truck with Oliver and Lance in the Arrow suit. He said that he was the Arrow instead of it being Oliver.

Also, in The Flash promo last night, there was a clip that I'm assuming is from the finale, which Oliver is in. However, he's not in the Arrow suit, rather the Ra's Al Ghul outfit. 3x20 is called 'Al Sah-Him, which means that Oliver most likely does accept Ra's' offer. As for the reason he does, there's been lots of speculation on it. I'm hoping Oliver only uses the Ra's suit for a short period of time because I love the Arrow suit, and I know a lot of other people do, too. That suit means too much for him to not wear it again.

The preview for the next episode, which is after a week hiatus, looks really good also, and it's also the episode someone's said to die, so definitely will be a tough one to get through. Someone's hurting Roy and Oliver's in the Atom suit (or at least controlling it) and I'm interested to see why. Definitely also looks like there will be a good Roy and Oliver scene. I really enjoyed tonight's and I can't wait for this week of hiatus to be over so we see what happens next.

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