Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Arrow (Episode 3x16) Recap

By the looks of the PaleyFest trailer, the second half looks to be great with some really important events. Where we left off, Ra's said that he wanted Oliver to succeed him. That meant that tonight, Oliver had some decisions to make. Warning: Both the PaleyFest trailer and this post contain spoilers.

The episode began right where we left off with Oliver in Nanda Parbat and Ra's asking him to become the next Ra's. Oliver was hesitant when he thought Ra's was about to kill someone, so he is definitely not going to take this 'opportunity' right away. I also don't blame Nyssa for being pissed at her father for choosing someone else to succeed him other than her, but he's following his own rule. We also got the first look at the Lazarus Pit, which has been speculated to play a part in one of the last few episodes of the season. I'll talk about this a little more later on.

Oliver definitely wasn't open to talk about the whole Ra's thing at all, at least not in the beginning of the episode. He refused to bring it up to Diggle and when asked how exactly he got away from Ra's without a scratch, he offered no information. Even when Felicity asked him what was bothering him he refused to say he was anything but fine. He did open up to Diggle, eventually. Oliver doubts the difference he's making as the Arrow. Diggle thinks Ra's is crazy for even thinking Oliver would say yes.  Diggle also brought up that Oliver may be considered it because Lance is against him now and Felicity is momentarily unavailable, which means he's still on board that Olicity ship. For Oliver, this is something completely different. This is him wanting to make a true difference, not to seem like he's making a difference.

We saw the first confrontation between the Arrow and Lance since he's heard about Sara's death. He is entirely done with him now. Honestly, I don't blame him for feeling betrayed since he learned of what actually happened so late. I also don't think it was Oliver's place as the Arrow to tell him, but again, Lance isn't aware of his actual identity (yet), so instead it was Laurel's place to tell him. If you've seen the PaleyFest trailer, you've seen that this will only get worse over the episodes.

Thea is still struggling with what she was manipulated by Malcolm to do. She even was going to allow Nyssa to kill herself. I really enjoyed the scene where she spoke to Oliver about how she was feeling. Regarding Malcolm, he told Oliver that Ra's doesn't give choices. This is an order and if Oliver refuses, it's not going to go well.

The Oliver and Felicity scene where she spoke to him about the offer Ra's made was one of the really good Olicity scenes I've missed. We haven't had them really talk about things without one being upset with the other. She offered her input, that even thought Oliver may not believe it, what he's doing may be the right thing. She also brought up how they're not together and that was his choice. That's entirely true, it was his choice. Oliver needs to listen to Felicity because everything she said is true. She's always his number one supporter. She'll let him know when he's doing something wrong, but she'll also always tell him when he's doing something great and he's just not realizing it. I love their relationship so much and let's face it, all signs point to them being together soon.

I really enjoyed the Laurel and Lance scene followed by the fight scene. Also, I don't know why I'm deciding to share this right now, but I really want my own Arrow suit? It's just so cool.

There were three Olicity scenes this episode, and the last one was Oliver admitting to Felicity being right. She was so glad that he chose to not take the deal because he realized that what he was doing did have a purpose, it was doing good. "You're always saying how you just want me to be happy. Thing is, as long as you're in my life, I am." When Felicity said this to Oliver, it was so great. I loved this scene in its entirety.

Oliver was told the decision was already made for him, but he still refused and this is going to cause hell. Also, the Roy and Thea scene along with the kiss at the end. I love them so much, I will always love them together.  The very last scene had Ra's showing up as the 'Arrow' at the end of the episode killing people in order to turn the city against him and this makes me so mad.

The event I said I would talk about later on deals with the character death in 3x19 and the title of 3x31, which is rumored to be 'Al Saheem'. Some people think the character death may be Roy, but there's been a few pictures of Colton on set, so I don't know if it would be him. It very well could be. However, there's been some Tumblr speculation that hasn't had him as the victim. Instead, people think Felicity may be the one to die. Thus, this would prompt Oliver to become Ra's for the sole reason to use the Lazarus Pit in order to bring her back. This is all speculation, but whether it's Roy dying or Felicity dying and being brought back by Oliver, or even someone else dying, I will be a mess.

I really enjoyed tonight. Next week is the Dyla wedding and i'm so excited for this for a multitude of reasons. Definitely should be a good one.

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