Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Supernatural (Episode 10x15) Recap

New Supernatural. New night. I have to say, having Arrow and Supernatural back-to-back is definitely not the best for my emotions while watching these shows, but it also makes me even more excited for Wednesday's now. Where we last left the Winchesters, Dean was pretending to be fine after killing (or maybe not killing, who knows with this show) Cain and Sam knew right away that he wasn't okay. In the previews for this episode, Cole was back and wanted to help so I definitely wanted to see how that was going to go. Warning: This post does contain spoilers.

Sam has been consistently researching the Mark of Cain and Dean's very aware of it. Dean's pretty much accepted the fact that he's going to go evil and just wants Sam to be there with him. He's going to live with it as long as he can and that breaks my heart because he doesn't believe there's hope for it anymore.

The town is a military town, which drew awareness to the issues veterans have when returning home from war. This is why Cole comes into play. His friend Kit, a war hero, was involved. The thing is, he wasn't in his right mind. Cole claimed he couldn't be around the brothers because of the way they go about things. He made it seem as though he intended to protect Kit's wife, but instead went off on his own. However, the brothers definitely aren't idiots, so they clearly knew what he was up to and instead followed him.

This episode was definitely more eerie and gross like some old time Supernatural episodes are. The worms were disgusting. Everyone can agree on that one. One of these worms was inside Kit, driving him mad. These worms were similar to the Khan Worms a few seasons back (season 6, I believe) that caused Bobby to go bad. One of these worms also went into Cole and the brothers had full intentions to help him. The difference was, this one wouldn't come out with some electrocution. I really liked how Cole had a realization of just how hard it is to do their job and not get any thanks for it. It was nice to see him no longer want to murder Dean.

Cole definitely was a trooper. The major symptoms are extreme thirst and then blood. It eats at them. He was sweating it out, but it became extremely hard. We also saw him come to understand why Dean did what he did. There was a parallel between Dean and Cole when Cole said that if he ever got to the point of being unstoppable for Dean to kill him. This is a similar thing to something Dean said about the Mark, but he told Cole the same thing he told himself. You can't give up. You have to fight till the end. Just keep fighting.

Cole was okay after he sweat the thing out and Dean killed the worm. Unfortunately, Kit wasn't as lucky and had to be killed. Sam had to shoot him. He got out of the ties, there was no way he could have stopped that. I felt so bad for Sam because he blames himself for Kit and that he couldn't save him. He tried everything and he still died. Something about the look on Sam's face at the end of that episode just stuck with me. It's almost as if Dean saying "You can do everything right, but sometimes the guy still dies," was saying that Dean was going to die, no matter how hard they tried to stop it. I feel like the writer's may be giving some false leads because Dean died last season. Technically, it is Sam's turn to die and there have been theories that Sam's death would parallel Abel's, but we'll see how this turns out.

I enjoyed tonight's episode. It definitely had that disgusting factor that old school episodes usually have. I'm really glad we got to see Cole, again. Next week's episode also looks good. Since Supernatural now follows Arrow instead of The Flash, two posts will be going up every Wednesday now.

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