O Brother Where Art Thou?
Amara's unleashed her powers on local townspeople and Dean's on the hunt again to find out what kind of hold she has on him and why. Meanwhile, Crowley and Sam are working together to come up with a plan will have disastrous consequences. Mark Pellegrino reprises his role as Lucifer as we revisit the cage in tonight's midseason finale.
Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Sam had another vision of Lucifer and in it, Lucifer touched him and he felt calm. Dean's concerned with why God would even ask this of him and is concerned with how they even know it was real. The thing is, there was a burning bush, like the Bible story.
So, they talk to Crowley about the Darkness. Crowley wasn't successful in stopping her, but it's because she chose Dean. And that's when he tells her that she's God's sister. Dean wants to know if Sam can meet with Lucifer, but Sam's only okay with it if it happens in the cage because he doesn't want to let him out. In order for the plan to work, they're asking Rowena for her help for this plan to be successful. If she helps, she's no longer going to be constantly looked over by Crowley. All they need know is how to open it and how to protect Sam once he's in.

Amara's a fully grown adult and she's trying to pray. She doesn't understand why only dead people can see God. She thinks that everyone is being manipulated. No one knows what he's really like, but the priest says that God is the light and that light vanquishes the Darkness. She also slaughters the whole church later on in hopes of trying to get him to show himself in some way to her.
The angels are also banding together against the Darkness. The factions are getting past each other and they plan to stand united.

Dean comes face-to-face with Amara once again because he felt her presence. While they see each other, Sam calls Dean as he promised he'd do, but Dean doesn't answer. She transports him to an open grassland area. She explains that the reason why she's harmed all of these people is to try and get God's attention. Dean then says that it isn't right for her to take people's lives when the issues they have are between her and God. According to Amara, it was always his way or the high way. And she wonders if there was no pain, no rules, just bliss, the feeling she brings about. Amara's trying to convince Dean to agree with her plan, but Dean doesn't believe her and he attempts to kill her, but the blade simply shatters against her. She can't be resisted and then she kisses him, and he kisses her. According to her, it's destiny for them to be together and they will become one. The angels arrive at their meeting spot and Amara begins killing them and she's finally got God's attention.

Meanwhile, Rowena, Crowley, and Sam are heading through hell to an area where they can summon Lucifer without actually opening the cage and Rowena is successful in calling him. Rowena's drooling over him as Sam and Lucifer talk. Lucifer wonders what everyone else is wondering: where is God in all of this? And Sam goes on to tell him that he's reached out to him and has answered his prayers, and that his suggestion was to seek out Lucifer. Lucifer helped God lock up the Darkness last time. That's why Lucifer needs to go top side, according to him, and that means he needs a vessel, AKA he needs Sam. Lucifer thinks it's so easy for him to agree, but Sam's not going to just disappear. And after Sam thinks about it, he stands his ground and he refuses to do it. We never really see the Winchesters terrified, but Sam's face was plastered in fear once he found out it was actually Lucifer speaking to him. A round of applause to Jared Padalecki for some awesome acting that even made those watching feel the terror on his face.
Problem is, the barrier gets broken down and Sam's transported back into the cage with Lucifer. Another problem, God was never doing the talking. It was Lucifer. Lucifer was able to reach out through the small breaks in the cage. God was never with him and now Sam's stuck with Lucifer.
Well, damn it. That's the only reaction I have. Not as intense of a midseason finale as we've had in the past action wise, but definitely intense with the information given and what went down. A great way to end the first half with us now having
two big bad. Old Luci and the Darkness. It'll be interesting to see where the writers take us with this storyline. Time's not being wasted this season and it'll be interesting to see how things turn out, especially next episode.
Supernatural returns January 20, 2016 at 9 PM EST on the CW.
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