Harrison Wells has returned to Central City on Earth One and everyone is very skeptical over why exactly he's there. Patty and Barry share their first date, and somethings brewing between Caitlin and Jay. Let's get into the recap. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
On Earth Two, Harrison Wells announced a system that would allow anyone to detect a metahuman when they're nearby. Jay Garrick shows up and tells that it is Harrison Wells who is responsible for these metahumans, and he doesn't deny that. In fact, he admits that on Earth One. Harrison Wells is in Central City for one reason, to help the Flash defeat Zoom and to help him defeat all of the metahumans that are going to Earth One that he's responsible for. When Joe walks into the room and sees Harrison Wells, he immediately fires three bullets that Barry prevents from actually hitting him, but everyone's on guard now that Harry's returned from the dead. Also, Jay Garrick is not a fan of Harrison Wells at all, and Harrison Wells is not a fan of Jay Garrick.
Barry and Cisco are getting coffee when Patty shows up to ask Barry if she still wants to help with the report. Things get awkward and he says he can't because "science!" Really, he was just nervous about wanting to ask her out and then not asking her out because of a giant shark. Cisco says he should just go for it, asks the barista out, gets rejected, but then gets another vision. He knows there's a breach at the bank and Barry heads there to work things out. Dr. Light is there and she's working for Zoom, but gets away. When asked, Cisco plays off his power as though he got an alert on his phone when Barry asks about how he knew.

So, the next time he sees Patty, Barry asks her on a dinner date. Problem is, Barry's blind. His sights not going to return for 6.5 more hours. So, Cisco's to the rescue. Barry wears sunglasses that allows Cisco to see what he's supposed to be seeing in order to make it through his date, and it makes for quite a funny scene. Patty knows he can't see, she's a detective, and in an attempt to not have to explain, he simply says he had his pupils dilated earlier, so despite not having his eyesight, Barry's still a smooth talker. So, the date is a success, handholding, goodnight kiss, everything works out great for Barry.

Jay and Harrison get into a physical fight when Harrison calls Jay a coward. Harrison believes that Barry can take care of Zoom. He's tested how fast he can run and says that Jay shouldn't be his mentor, rather the opposite way around. And the real Harrison Wells is told that his doppelgänger was Barry's mentor and betrayed him. He's realized that he's done things to piss off a lot of people.

Cisco gets her location at the train station and Barry has a new tactic from Dr. Wells to fight her off this time. Run so fast he creates after images of himself so she has multiple targets. And that's how he defeats her. As for Dr. Light, Barry plans to lure Zoom to him with her. Jay doesn't think he's ready to fight him by himself, but Barry's got everyone behind him, the Team, Dr. Wells, Jay. Jay's not on board because he doesn't want to be part of a plan that will cause Barry to lose his speed or something worse, so, sadly, he leaves.
Cisco's got his superhero name: Vibe. And he's also got the number of the girl who rejected him earlier in the episode. There's still something weird going on with Harrison Wells, and I don't know whether I trust him or not. Something suspicious going on there. On Earth Two, Zoom has Harrison Wells' daughter captive, so we'll see how that plays out next week. Overall, a good episode that gave more information and also advanced the relationships of Jay & Caitlin (though I guess him leaving was a step back) and Barry & Patty, who are adorable. We'll see how Barry's plan works out next week with Zoom. Looks like we'll see more of him then.
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