Iris tried to get Barry to tell her something about the Flash, especially since Eddie was missing, but he wouldn't say a word. Instead, he tried to reassure her that the Flash was probably doing everything he could to find Eddie, but she was having a hard time trusting the Flash. Oh the irony when Barry told her to trust him, instead. It certainly didn't take long for her to approach him. Barry was being check by Caitlin after going down during the gold robbery at STAR Labs and she showed up... let's just say she certainly didn't look thrilled.
Iris told him how she discovered it and Barry told her everything he knew so far, but she was definitely disappointed in him. She was also disappointed that her dad didn't want her to know for her protection. Joe tried to talk to her, but she was done taking everyone's bullshit. I can understand her annoyance at not being told and being kept in the dark, but her annoyance with the dishonesty goes back even to Barry's feelings for her, which was a bit too far back. That was Barry's secret to tell, not Joe's. The thing is, she said that maybe Eddie wouldn't be in this mess if she knew about these things before and wouldn't of been dating him. That certainly implies that she's been lying to people, too, especially about her feelings towards Barry.
General Eiling was behind the gold robberies, but he wasn't himself. He knew much more than he should have, especially about Barry being the Flash. Grodd was able to control General Eiling in some way, or by some sort of telepathy, because Eiling had worked with Wells on a series of experiments with the gorilla. Wells could now also control Grodd because they also shared a bond, and Cisco believed he turned into a metagorilla during the particle accelerator explosion. That explosion allowed Grodd to get out, and who knows what else it gave him. Iris was going to help them with this and it was nice to see Caitlin stand up for her. She knew information, especially about the possibility of Grodd living in the sewers.
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Grodd had become telepathic and he could also use telekinesis during the explosion. He could speak to Joe through his head and he could also control what he did, which included pointing a gun at his head, but having him throw it away instead of shooting himself. Barry was attacked psychically with visions, which means Grodd can get into his head, so Team Flash was going to create something to prevent him from being mind controlled so he could go after him.
I really loved the scene where Barry and Iris were talking about how she shouldn't be blaming Joe. Barry said that he was the one to blame. Even though Iris went on about how she thought her best friend would tell her the truth, Barry was able to turn that around, also. He wasn't the only one keeping secrets. He told her about the secret he felt she was keeping, the one regarding how she felt about him. She didn't respond to this, only making him believe even more that something was there that she couldn't bring herself to say.
Eobard (Wells) taunted Eddie in quite a few ways. He called him a failure, but that wasn't all he said to him. He wanted to hit him where it would hurt and that was through showing him the future. Finding out that he doesn't get Iris in the end and that Barry marries her. From speaking to Eobard, I definitely don't think he'll be the same person when he's rescued.
The tracker Barry shot Grodd with kicked in after the device for Barry was created and he could now go after him. Cisco drew Grodd away from Joe, but within an area where he'd be able to supersonic punch him. Problem was, that failed. Luckily, the headset worked... at least until he threw him into a wall. Barry's visions practically had him paralyzed in the middle of the train tracks, but it was Iris' voice that helped him finally break free. Focusing on her voice brought back memories of the two of them, replacing the weird visions he was seeing. He was able to control his speed and direct Grodd onto the train tracks before getting out of the way himself, getting rid of him and saving Joe. I really liked that moment between Barry and Iris, definitely one of my favorite between them this season.
With Grodd gone for now, Eiling was back to himself and Barry released him, but he still knew who Barry was. He wouldn't go after him because they have a common enemy, but Barry's sure that he'll eventually get what's coming to him. He said that he has a gorilla to hunt, so he's definitely going to continue his search for Grodd.
Joe and Iris had a nice scene towards the end of the episode, also. It was nice to see them have a good conversation and agree to tell each other the truth. Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry had a good scene and it was really nice that Caitlin threw Iris into the group of them that saved Joe. Barry definitely agrees with what Joe said earlier about Grodd being a distraction.
Alright, tonight's episode was filled with some really great Westallen scenes. He told her that he felt safe in the sewer because she was there. Having her there is how he can stand up to Grodd. Every time he messes up, it's her that keeps him going. Even though she didn't know everything about his life, it was her that kept him going, that helped him keep doing good as the Flash when things got tough. I loved this little speech from him. I also liked the fact that Iris admitted that she had been thinking about him, but she couldn't do anything about it while Eddie was still missing and after he comes back, she's not sure what will happen, but she did let him know that he was on her mind.
Grodd was shown towards the end of the episode, which means we'll most likely be seeing him again at some point. Wells also now has the key to go home and these next two episodes look like they'll be fantastic. I liked tonight's episode, it had some good scenes in it, but it looks like the real fight will begin next week. From the promo it seems like the team up between Firestorm, the Arrow, and the Flash. Grant Gustin and both Amells in one episode definitely has me excited, so I'm looking forward to it.
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