Sam was pissed that Rowena was getting no where with the book after a few days of it in her presence, so he called Charlie to ask her for help. This involved him telling her that he didn't actually burn it that day and that he's been lying to Dean. Sam's fairly sure that Dean wouldn't care because he's given up, but he definitely will. He's sick of the secrets and of people trying to save him behind his back, but he is still acting different. He's not himself like Sam said, so that's why Sam's going to do whatever he can to try and save him, even if it does mean going behind his brother's back. Charlie's "Jeez, the two of you" pretty much sums up the reaction to this. They're always up to something.
Sam and Dean were on a case that followed a man who killed a woman and removed her eye. This man was part of the Styne family, which was revealed to them through security footage from the building. The guy that gave them the security footage was also killed by Eldon Styne as soon as they left. While Dean and Sam went back on the road, they had their usual conversation about how Dean was doing, and although they didn't realize, they were being followed.
Crowley was spending his time trying to find his mother. He had an entire scene where he spoke to a hamster. He must of really been bored. There wasn't that much progression in his storyline in this episode besides that.
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I really enjoyed the little banter between Rowena and Charlie. Charlie was very proud of her "nerd" status and her ability to work well with computers. Rowena had no idea what she was talking about. She found Charlie's methods to be overrated, but Rowena's weren't getting her anywhere either. Cas and Charlie were on the same page about the brothers keeping secrets never ending well, but they both agreed to take part "for Dean." Cas was in charge of groceries and he definitely is a junk food person. Rowena was able to read Charlie right away. She was able to recognize that she had a lonely past and that she's made Sam and Dean the family she never had. Rowena called it foolish, but Charlie said that they are like her brothers and that she loves them. She's not going to believe that to be foolish. Family doesn't abandon family and as usual, family doesn't end with blood on this show.
Cas tried calling Sam, but Dean picked up instead. Dean questioned Sam as to if he's spoken to him recently and he lied. Sam is such a bad liar, let's be honest here. Dean caught on to the fact that something was up. The boys decided to order pizza and Dean went to go pick it up, but he was ambushed by the Styne's on his way out. Eldon had a tight hold on him at first, but Dean quickly turned that around. He brought him back to the bunker and held him captive, while him and Sam had intentions to question him.
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According to Eldon, the Styne family's goal is bring chaos, fear, and desperation. All of these things bring profit for them, increasing their business. In the midst of his story, Cas called Sam, causing him to leave the room. The family also takes part in bioengineering. Eldon has two hearts and extra muscles, alike to his other family members. According to him, his family's ancestors go back to the Frankenstein family. They were forced to change their name when Mary Shelley went public with her book. That was certainly an interesting addition to the plot. They aren't immortal, but they are very expendable. They're scattered throughout the world. Eldon attempted to make a negotiation for the book, but Dean told him it was burned. That's when the truth finally came out that the book couldn't be burned because it was protected. Dean went to talk to Sam about that, but they were distracted by a noise coming from the room they left Styne in, going back there only to find that he ripped his arm off to get away. Removing body parts was definitely part of tonight's episode.
Cas allowed Charlie to work alone in the room for a bit, but after he left her alone while he spoke to Rowena, she left and went to a hotel instead. Problem was, the Stynes knew where she was. Dean slowly tried to get Sam to admit that the book wasn't burned before he finally hit him with the news that Eldon said to him. Dean was pissed when he found out that Charlie was involved and that Sam lied to him, pulling Cas into it as well. Sam wouldn't back down from the fact that they were all doing this because they love him, no matter what Dean felt they shouldn't be doing.
Charlie was able to figure out the coding, but she only had her notes with her. She uploaded those, sent them in a message, and smashed the tablet, all while Eldon Styne was trying to break down her door and she hid in the bathroom. He eventually did get through and it's safe to safe I was very scared for Charlie, even if she did have a knife to protect herself.
The ending. The ending. I'm so upset about it. Charlie was my favorite female character, I've said it countless of times and the fact that she's dead now. I was so shocked that she actually died. I didn't think she would. Sam and Dean's reaction to it killed me. I really liked tonight, but it also hurt so much. You can't just end an episode like that. Next week looks really great as Dean goes on his search for revenge, which is the only thing I can see him doing after tonight's episode. He's not going to let them get away with that. Still, I'm so sad. I'm looking forward to next week, especially since we will be mourning her death and Dean will be doing what he feels is deserved, and I'm right there with him.
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