Quick note: I will continue to call Wells whose actually Eobard Thawne Wells because it's easier to understand character-wise.
Interesting thing about the article that the Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco saw in Wells' secret room was that Iris' name was the writer, but her name wasn't just 'Iris West' or 'Iris Thawne' for that matter, it was 'Iris West-Allen', meaning that in the future she does marry Barry. Wells' future teller, Gideon, also told Barry that the reason why Wells is in their time is to kill Barry. Another interesting thing was the fact that Gideon follows any command made by Barry because Barry created the system. Due to this, they started discussing time travel more with Eddie and Joe, which meant that Barry finally let everyone know that he has traveled back in time before and Cisco's visions sparked Barry's idea for a plan.
Eddie asked Joe's blessing to propose to Iris, but Joe said no. The reason wasn't clear to begin with, but he did tell Barry later on. Whatever the reason, Eddie was certainly not happy about it. That didn't stop him from buying a ring or asking Barry to talk to him, instead. Regarding the topic of marriage, there was a lot of that this episode and Barry became frazzled every time because of Iris' name in the future paper. Definitely added some funny moments. Barry did talk to Joe and he plain out said that he was protecting both of them by not giving him his blessing. Iris would wake up one day and realize she didn't marry the person she really loves. He knows she has feelings for Barry and Barry sees that, too. Eddie wouldn't be with someone who truly loves him, no matter how much he loves Iris.
We got a flashback this episode with Wells and Joe that occurred when Barry was in the hospital in a coma. With no heart rate, he began seizing. Wells told Joe that he was the only one who could save Barry, and Joe desperately accepted, he wasn't going to let him die. In present day, he still blames himself for everything that has happened. He blames himself for Barry ending up in STAR Labs, but if he didn't let Wells take him, Barry would be dead. Wells was actually the one to blame.
In order to access Cisco's memories, they would use a device that would allow a person to lucid dream. When Wells showed up, he was curious about it and Caitlin made up an excuse about the people of the city seeing things, so in order to remember the device would be created. Oddly enough, Wells believed her right away and helped them develop the device. Whether that was a play or not was to be seen. Cisco relived his memories in a way, while having the ability to talk to Caitlin, Barry, and Joe during it. Cisco did see Wells' confession again and that caused Barry to find out exactly why his mother died that night. He confessed to being Eobard Thawne and said the reason why Barry's mother died that night was because he was after Barry. His aim was to kill him, not his mother.
The scene between Barry and Iris was such a tease. The music in the background, the things she was saying, and even Barry's face gave the impression that she would be telling him about her feelings. Instead, she wanted to run more information by him about what she's found about the Particle Accelerator. It was regarding the fact that she believes that people affected by the Accelerator were given powers, but Barry covered it up by saying he didn't have any so that wasn't necessarily true. A picture of them on her desk triggered the second flashback of the episode. Barry was in a coma and she told him that she needed him to wake up because her and Joe need him; she needs him. In this flashback, she went to touch his hand and instead was shocked by him, which was definitely an interesting little moment.
The Team recreated the scene Cisco lived before time was reversed. This time, he would be protected, or so they thought. Cisco tried to get a confession from him, but he didn't give a valid confession and instead was going to kill Cisco. That was before Joe stepped in and shot him, but it wasn't actually Wells, it was Hannibal Lector disguised as Wells. So, Hannibal was dead, and Wells was still alive. Wells was a step ahead and all Barry wanted was to face him when his voice came booming through the speakers. Wells has used all of them. The fact that he was watching them, everywhere, including watching Iris. At the current moment, he can't face him, but he will soon.
Eddie and Iris took a stroll and he had every intention to propose. That was until Eobard Thawne (Wells) showed up as the Reverse Flash. The Flash showed up to protect Iris and try to protect Wells, but Eobard got away with Eddie first. Eddie found out about how Eobard is related to him, a relative from the future. When the Flash showed up to save Iris, he told her to go home, that he'll save Eddie, but before he ran off, she touched his hand, and that same spark happened. That same spark from when he was in a coma. That told Iris exactly who the Flash was. That gave her the answer that he's Barry.
The last scene of tonight's episode was great. It was a flashback to Wells talking out loud to Barry who was in a coma in STAR Labs. Eobard couldn't kill Barry right then, he needs him to become The Flash, to reach ultimate speed. The entire episode was great, I really enjoyed it. I loved seeing the flashbacks and how they gave more of an insight to current events. Next week is the episode with Grodd, which the preview looks cool for, so we'll see next week how that episode is and what it entails. I'm looking forward to it.
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