Big applause to Misha Collins because he plays Jimmy Novak and Castiel in a way that makes you know the difference between them in a heartbeat. They are different characters and he does an outstanding job in portraying that.
Claire had her heart set on finding her mom no matter what trouble it gets her in. Even when it landed her in the hospital, which was where Team Free Will found her, she still got up and walked out undetected to continue her search. Dean and Cas found the guy she was talking to and Dean certainly didn't play any games with him. He went right to the head bashing, right to the deep voice he does when he needs to make a statement. He told them what happened to Amelia, but weren't sending them somewhere without giving the other guy a warning.
Claire's been using her mom's diary to find her. Sam found the motel she was staying in very easily as she checked in under the name 'Claire Novak'. Sam was acting like the older brother in the situation, which was really cute to see. He gave her some pro tips and even said he would teach her how to hack into her mom's credit card records to see if she had actually ran away, since the diary seemed to indicate she had every intention on coming back. Mary was even brought up in the conversation when Claire said something in general about mothers and Sam brought up Mary and how he never got to grow up with her around, but met her later in life. Mary's death still hurts. "Sometimes, death aren't always goodbye."
Cas trying to be a dad is so cute. He got Claire an 18th birthday present and although it was a stuffed animal that she clearly wouldn't need or want, it was still a nice gesture. Cas noticed that Dean snapped again at the bar and he was getting worse, which he told Sam. That's why both Sam and Cas said that Dean needed to sit this one out along with Claire. Cas played dad with both of them in that scene and Sam agreed. Dean can be such a child sometimes, I loved the scenes between him and Claire. He couldn't stand sitting in the room the whole night, so instead, they went mini-golfing. Both acted like children with their hole-in-ones, but they also had some quality conversation. They spoke about how Claire's dad became a hero when he allowed Cas to take over his body. Cas saved the world and it was because Jimmy allowed him to use him as a vessel that he was able to do that. While putting, it hit Dean that Amelia was taken by something supernatural, so Claire and him hit the books. They discovered that it was a Grigori, or a watcher angel. He called Sam, but he was knocked out before he could pick up. These angels went rogue, began feeding on people.
Cas did find Amelia and when Dean's phone call wasn't answered, he went after them. Claire questioned whether she would just be left in the motel room, but Dean toughed her a gun as a birthday gift, indicating that she would be joining them. Amelia desperately wanted to find Jimmy, which is why she ran off for a period of time, but he couldn't find him anywhere because his soul wasn't on this earth anymore.
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them fought Tamiel, but just as he was about to kill Cas, Claire stabbed him with the angel blade. She's a badass. Unfortunately, her mother was gone.
Sam arranged for Claire to meet Jody Mills and stay with her for a little while until she gets back on her feet. Dean had to take the gun back, but he still gave her two books as a gift. One was a book of Ennochian myths, which Dean encouraged her to read before doing anything stupid. She did try to sneak a knife from them, but Dean saw. While going through her bag, he also saw that she kept the stuffed animal Cas gave her earlier in the episode, which was really sweet. She knows that it's a long path to go down if she decides to become a hunter. Claire also apologized about trying to set him up earlier in the season and he forgave her. I really enjoyed seeing the bond they formed in this episode. She asked if Dean would be okay and he said that he wasn't sure, but he was going to keep fighting, which has been something he's said multiple times this season and seems to be a reoccurring theme. The hug she gave Cas was so cute, I loved it and she knows who to call if she ever needs anything.
My favorite thing about tonight's episode was definitely seeing the Claire and Dean bond grow. Those were some really great scenes. Charlie's going to be around again next week and it's going to revolve around the Book of the Damned even more. Sam's still keeping secrets and not everyone approves. Cas will also be in the episode. It looks like it'll be an intense one so I'm looking forward to it. Three episodes left to this season. So weird how the finale is so close already. I can remember writing the 200th episode recap for this show. I'm excited about what's to come.
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