Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Flash (Episode 1x15) Recap

It has been around a month without the fastest man alive gracing my television screen with another episode and I have definitely missed it. The PaleyFest trailer for the rest of the season looks fantastic and it made me so excited to see all of the new episodes. Warning: For those of you who do not know, the trailer and this post include spoilers.

The episode opened with Barry and Linda's date at the bowling alley, the same place Iris and Eddie were for their date night. It turned into a double date in which both Linda and Eddie both clearly felt uncomfortable with the way Iris was acting around Barry. Maybe a little bit too touchy-feely for their liking. I like that Eddie approached Iris about this because it's definitely not fair for him to be all in and feel as though Iris has part of her heart focused on something, or rather someone, else. The only question is, will this jealousy have an effect on him that's worse than losing Iris? Is he inching towards the darker side of things more and more? It'll be interesting if they do go that route with his character.

Speaking of Iris, it's blatantly obvious how she feels about Barry. The fact that she won't tell Barry how she feels knowing how he feels annoys me so much. I understand she still has feelings for Eddie, which would make her conflicted, but if you're trying to figure things out, don't make the guy feel moments between the two of you. It messes with what they know and the vibe they get. (I've been through it. It's not fun.) I'm glad that by the end of the episode she told him how she felt. I'm not the biggest fan of them together, I've said this before. However, I do love seeing Barry happy, so I don't mind them. This was also the episode she found out his secret identity, which I'm glad they did after the kiss happened and she revealed her feelings.

On his way to the morgue, Barry saw another speedster running next to him, but when he stopped, he was gone. Along with this, more and more people are realizing something is off about Wells, including Iris' co-worker who told her to question everyone at STAR Labs. We're getting closer and closer to the reveal of Wells as the Reverse Flash to Barry and I can't wait to see his reaction. Even Caitlin was getting suspicious. And to top it all of in this episode, Wells revealed himself to Cisco.

Let's talk about Wells a little bit. He can create an after image of himself because he moves so fast. Also, he's a distant relative of Eddie Thawne. Cisco looked so betrayed and it broke my heart. Not to mention that Wells said he's been like a son to him before killing him. Such a heartbreaking scene.

The villain of the episode? Weather wizard. He wasn't just seeking to raise havoc, rather he was there for a very specific reason: revenge. Since Joe killed his brother, he now wanted to avenge his death and go after Joe. Also, I love how excited Cisco gets to name the new villains that come into Central City. He always looks like a little kid in a candy store. Joe's character has him committed to making sure no one else gets hurt when someone is after him. It was written all over his face when Captain Singh was struck by lightning by Weather Wizard while protecting Joe.

I knew from the second Eddie showed up to help Joe hunt Weather Wizard that something bad was going to happen because no one was there that could definitely protect either of them, not against the powers of the Weather Wizard. His actions were torturous to Joe, beginning with breaking his leg. It was a lure to get Iris to meet him there.

The slow-mo and sped up effects are always just awesome. I love them. Also, that ending. He time traveled for the first time that we've actually seen it happen. So, now's his chance to change the future. This also means everything else in the episode can very well change, which includes the kiss, Joe being kidnapped, Cisco seemingly being killed by Wells, etc. So. Many. Things.

This episode sets up so many things for the future and I'm so excited to see how they do have him live out the period of time again. Will things turn out in a similar fashion? Will Cisco find out Wells' identity again? Will Iris find out Barry's identity again? So many questions for next week, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens from here.

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(Note: This originally said the episode was 3x17 but, of course, it is not. That was my mistake. I sometimes confuse episode numbers, but usually I catch it right away. On this post I didn't until later on, but I'm sure you all knew which episode it was actually for.


  1. Nice blog cleared up my Questions during the episode

  2. Thanks for the re-cap :).
