Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saturday Morning Musings (#5)

Good morning/afternoon, everyone! Welcome to another addition to 'Saturday Morning Musings'. I contemplated about what I would write about this morning quite a bit, but I think today's post will just be a little shorter and I'll talk about a new show I've been watching.

I recently started The Walking Dead. I'm almost done with season 3, but so far, I've really enjoyed it. It's a fantastic show and I recommend it if you need a new show to binge watch, especially since for me, I'm on spring break. The finale of season 5 is tomorrow, and while I probably won't be caught up, I know everyone is very excited about it. If you are going to watch the show, I will give you one warning: If you do not do well with blood and guts, this show probably isn't for you.

My sister watched the show before I started and the other day, she asked me who my favorite character was. I feel like whenever someone asks that question and it's regarding a newer show you've been watching, you have to go with the person you feel that pull towards. As soon as you identify that, you know your favorite character. For me, during season 1 I wasn't sure. However, when she asked me that as I watched more, I immediately knew who it was: Daryl Dixon.

At first, Daryl seems like this tough, not-going-to-let-my-emotions-get-involved type of person. The more you watch, the more you see him open up and allow people to care about him, but only from certain people. What immediately drew me to him was exactly that: his inability to let people care about him. He wants to seem like he has everything under control, but deep down, that one person that shows they care mean a lot to him. For the part I'm at, there's one person that holds that place, which also contributes to why I love them together.

Carol and Daryl are such a great pair. She's the person that's shown so much care and love towards him, whether it's deeper than friends or not, she's still the person that ultimately cares a hell-of-a lot about him. He also cares a lot about her and it's clear he does. He's yelled at her, he's pushed her away, but he never stops caring. He's pushed people away that care about him because his own family didn't treat him the best. I won't go into this for those of you who haven't watched the show, but those of you who do will understand what I mean. Carol is the one who's allowed him to open up just a bit more, but it's usually just with her. I know that there's also another character that he forms a bond with, but again, I won't mention it for those of you who haven't watched and he also hasn't started that bond at the point I'm at.

As for the other characters, I really enjoy them all. Particularly Glenn, Carl, and Maggie. Also, a 'little ass-kicker' that is just too cute you have to like her. In the beginning, the two characters you know are Carl and Glenn, and I only grew to like them more as they developed. I pretty enjoy enjoy all of the characters at the point I'm at right now and I think Rick's mental state is very interesting at the moment. The show, overall, just has a really great cast with a really great group of characters for them to portray. (Except the Governor, I absolutely dislike his character.)

So, I think that's all I wanted to talk about regarding The Walking Dead today. Once I finish catching up I may do a full blog post with my full thoughts and probably spoilers since there are more specific things I'd walk to talk about. As for now, this covers it without giving much away. I hope you all have a great day and fantastic weekend.

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ICYMI: I posted about the Mets' Starting Rotation 
All TV Show Recaps for the week also went up and you can click here to see them


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