Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Flash (Episode 1x14) Recap

I said this in last week's post, but I was very excited about tonight's episode, especially because time travel was finally going to be a subject of conversation. Also, we would get to see more of Ronnie and Martin Stein after they were separated. (Or were they?) (Spoilers ahead)

Caitlin's reunion with Ronnie and Martin's reunion with his wife were both so sweet. I have to say, I really do like Caitlin and Ronnie together, although I also do love Barry and Caitlin as a duo. It was also understandable that Ronnie and Martin started to argue when they actually spoke to each other again after the split. Can you imagine having someone in your head who doesn't let you have equal control over your own body? Both of them were making their own valid points. And I guess we can't call this a full split, either. They can both still feel each others emotions (ex. If one is terrified in one place, the other feels the same terror) and have some of each other's characteristics.

The time travel was finally discussed and it's a conversation I've been looking forward to for a while. Barry realized that even when he goes back, his destiny is to fail. He won't succeed in saving his mom. However, he still is determined to save his mother, to learn from the mistakes. Barry also noticed that Joe tested the blood against everyone in STAR Labs in order to test if the blood was Wells. Barry still believes Wells had no part, but Joe definitely doesn't, even if he says he does. I also want to throw in a mention to how Joe called Barry by his nickname the whole episode. I really liked that touch to the episode.

This whole U.S. Army after Firestorm is very intense. It was hard to watch Barry be attacked by the weapon they had made specifically for him, which punctured his body with what looked like hundreds of needles, mainly because I imagined the pain and wow, would that hurt like hell. Also, Wells is working with them, and I'm not surprised, but he just becomes more and more irritating every episode because he is so against everyone and no one is noticing it, besides Joe. Wells pretending like he knew nothing, also gets to me, but it got to me even more this episode because someone was writhing in pain in front of him and he still had that smirk on his face when people weren't looking. They won against them, for now at least.

Like I said above, I really do like Caitlin and Ronnie as a duo. They've been through so much together already, they understand each other, they would do anything for each other. It's a really nice relationship to watch.

The merging of Martin and Ronnie again towards the end of the episode looked so cool. I really love the Firestorm effects, and now that they merged properly by accepting each other, they both work as equals. I also really liked that we could hear Martin's thoughts inside Ronnie's head. What's also beneficial about them both being accepting of it is that they can separate themselves whenever they wish. I was really sad about Ronnie's goodbye to go and learn more about the merging with Martin, but I'm sure he'll be back soon, and probably with Martin.

Cisco also had some great references this episode. They always put a smile on my face. Iris is also delving into an article to reveal the secrets of STAR Labs, which means that she's getting very close to piecing everything together, and it also means she'll be doing some sneaking around herself to get the information she wants.

With the introduction of Grodd at the end of the episode, the next one looks to be great also. This week's episode was really, really great. The Flash goes on hiatus till March 17th, sadly, so that will be the next Recap post! You can look forward to some other posts in between, though.

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