Saturday, February 14, 2015

Why Supernatural Has Lasted 10 Years

There are plenty of TV Shows today that don't do as well as they are expected to, or are good, but don't have certain aspects that are needed in order for it to continue on. Supernatural is a show that hits a lot of the key points in keeping a show going, keeping it interesting. And now, the show has been signed on for an eleventh season. Even the creator, Eric Kripke, thought he would be lucky if it lasted three seasons. It is rare that a show these days gets signed on for an eleventh season, even an eighth or ninth season is difficult, but it has. With the addition, it will have surpassed the number of episodes Smallville reached in its runtime, breaking the record for the most episodes to ever show for a Sci-Fi/Fantasy show. Why? What makes the show have the ability to have the longevity it has? Well, there are actually quite a few reasons.

No TV show would ever be successful if the storyline wasn't done well, and even then, some shows don't make it. From the very beginning, the story has followed two brothers, saving people, hunting things, following the family business. It was never a complicated base. Each episode has its own story, allowing someone to tune in whenever they want and still be able to understand the plot, but each also builds into a much bigger story. The bigger story may last over the course of a few seasons, which was done in the first few seasons of the show, or last just one season. The thing is, this bigger story allows you to become invested in the show. It's intense, it's emotional, it has some comedic lines slipped into it, it's entertaining. It has so much more of a deeper level to it. The comedy of the show is subtle, more of what you would classify as a nudge or wink to the viewers, and it's shown through Sam and Dean's detective names, and other things that are given with a straight face (such as Dean liking a Taylor Swift song in a recent episode). It's also not accompanied by the so-called 'bubble-gum pop' music of today. It's backed by some fantastic 80s rock music, which is enough to suck a person in. I think that just important as the storyline is to a show, the music that's picked to go with it is up there to. The music must fit the mood and the characters, which is exactly what Supernatural does. The directing of the show is also done very well. It doesn't make it seem cheesy, which can occur with some shows or movies in the genre. It's a very technical show with all the effects that have to occur, so it's important these look good in every episode, and they do.

Yes, the writing is good. Yes, the storyline is great. But this storyline would be nothing without the world of mythology and legends that serves as its basis. There are endless myths in the world or phenomenons that still are unproven, but they serve as such a great starting point. The world only continues to build with each addition of a new creature. You've got angels, demons, Hell, Heaven, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, witches, Leviathans, reapers; the list goes on and on. To go along with this, you have the ways they get rid of them, a set of intricate rules to make sure the creature is gone, such as ghosts going away if you hit them with iron, killing angels with angel blades, exorcisms, and of course, the famous salt & burn, to get rid of a spirit forever. This isn't to say that some episodes aren't better than others, because that comes with every TV show, but overall, it's fantastic. It takes place in a location people are familiar with (American Mid-West), but focuses on the hidden supernatural aspects of the world. It also helps that the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genre has become very popular overtime, especially today. People are interested in this, which brings the viewers and keeps ratings up. The show wouldn't continue if the ratings weren't there, so obviously they're doing something right.

You can't discuss the success of Supernatural without discussing Sam and Dean Winchester. It is absolutely impossible to not count them as a major reason why the show is so successful. The show is about the brothers and their bond. It always has been. They're the focus. The focus isn't on a love interest or a sappy love story. It's about two brothers, fighting together. Their bond is what makes the show so special. There's not much out there like it. Sam and Dean have been to hell and back countless of times, they've even gone to Heaven, but they never stop fighting. Yes, they may of had help from the angels or someone else, but it's always them fighting the big bad of each season. They take on these things and still don't ask for credit. They're very down to earth and relatable characters for the viewers. The characters, and even the show, have evolved over time, but it is there journey that is so appealing and makes the show worth watching.

The success of the relationship between Sam and Dean could not be there without Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. They bring the brothers to life, putting on a very believable performance. It's hard to realize that these guys aren't blood brothers in real life because their chemistry on the show is so great. They have, however, said in countless of interviews that the show has made them brothers. Then again, as the show says, 'Family don't end with blood.' Their acting is a huge part of what makes the show so great to watch. They do an amazing job embodying how the character is meant to feel, act, and have truly grown as actors throughout the history of the show, as well. They put their heart and soul into these roles, and even when the dialogue may not be the greatest in an episode (because let's face it, it happens with every show sometimes), they've made it better through their acting. They are definitely one of the best pairings on television right now, maybe even of all time. The casting team definitely hit the jackpot with them.

Many would think that a show like Supernatural couldn't throw in some 'themed' episodes because of its genre. However, the writers have brilliantly come up with some great episodes that still deal with the supernatural aspects, but also spoof some things. There's been 'Changing Channels', where Sam and Dean entered the television world and made their way through parodies of different TV programs that exist today; or 'Mystery Spot', which is Supernatural's version of Groundhog's Day. There's even the much loved episode 'French Mistake', in which Sam and Dean find themselves in the real world, where nothing supernatural exists, and they're actually Jared and Jensen. And finally, the episodes that lead into my last reason why the show has done so well: all of the ones that involve fans in some way. The writers have been creative, done things no show could pull off, by adding in the 'Supernatural Book Series' to the show. This not only allows them to incorporate things like fan conventions into an episode, but also do a special 200th episode where the boys are at a school that is putting on a performance of Supernatural. It provides a nice tribute to the fans, letting them know how much they are appreciated.

And what would a show be without its fans? The Supernatural fandom is a group of loyal and passionate viewers that love to be able to talk about the show. Everyone is there for each other and wants to share one thing: their undying love for the show. I've read countless of Supernatural Convention reports, countless of stories were a person met their best friend through the show, and everyone enjoys being involved so much. The fandom the show has created is not only important to the ratings, but to the fans and actors themselves. Some of the very well loved actors on the show have only been in a few episodes, but the fans are very welcoming, which makes the community that much greater to be in. The show has always been about a bond, but it's created even more bonds through its existence. I said this before, and I'm sure most would agree, that the show created a family. The community is even called the 'Supernatural Family' because like I said before, 'Family don't end with blood'.

All of that is the key to Supernatural's success. This is a post that I've been working on for quite a bit of time, trying to gather all my ideas together to make sure that I reached each and every point I wanted, and it may just be one of my favorites I've written (also the longest). I have such a love for this show, as do many others, and I've been asked, 'What's so great about it?' These are the things I try to tell people, obviously in shorter length, but enough so they understand just how great it is and why they should give it a try, and I hope if you don't watch it, you do, too.

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