Essentially speaking before the episode even started, I had a strong guess this was going to be a rough one. Not rough as in bad, but rough as in emotional and intense and it definitely was. (Supernatural)
Before getting into the actual story of the episode, I loved the new camera angle from the back of the Impala. It had that feeling that the viewer was actually sitting in the back of the Impala with Sam and Dean. It was a cool angle. I hope they use it more in the future.
Cain has certainly been busy. He's been killing many, many people. He definitely lost his bee farming peaceful state. He'll ultimately decimate humanity if he continues what he's doing. It's his way to make sure that his 'disease' doesn't continue to spread.
We got to see a bit of Cas hunting, torturing, and killing demons this episode for information on Cain and I loved that. He's learned everything he has from Sam and Dean, but we've never really gotten to see him do it on his own. And he definitely was successful since he was the one who found Cain. At the mere mention of a threat towards Dean, Cas pulled out his angel blade. He certainly wasn't going to let his friend die.
There was a bit of Crowley and Rowena thrown into the episode. She's been manipulating Crowley, which was pretty obvious, and Crowley noticed, too. All of this in order to get revenge on a witch she didn't like. Otherwise, there didn't seem to be much importance to it.
I loved that Crowley was back working with Dean, Sam, and Cas. Cas and Crowley's idea for the illusion spell was genius and it definitely fooled Cain, which was what they needed it to do. Luckily, the kid wasn't harmed. But of course, Dean had to lie to get him to help. It worked, though.
Dean Winchester, a complete badass, who always puts on that strong persona, admitted he was scared this episode to Sam. That was a huge moment and I really love what he said during it. "You know last week when I said I'd go down swinging? I'm at peace with that. I just didn't think the time would come so soon. I'm scared, Sam."
At the mention that Dean would try and kill Cain not even halfway into the episode, I knew this fight scene was going to be awesome, but also probably tough to watch. Dean was holding back, worried about succumbing to the darkness and to the Mark, but he knew that he needed to end this. He needed to kill Cain. For a while, I was very worried about the outcome. I may or may not have been cheering Dean on from my couch. (I care about the characters I love, what can I say?) That scene was so intense. I couldn't avert my eyes from the TV screen. Once Cain got the blade, things were looking to maybe not go Dean's way, but then Dean got smart. He saw the blade in Cain's jacket, he took it, and he saved himself. There was something he said before he killed him that stood out to me: "Tell me you can stop." To me, this line wasn't only addressed towards Cain, but he also was addressing it to himself. He wants to make sure he'll be okay in the end. And he did it. He killed Cain. (But is he really dead? We've seen plenty of times that people tend to not actually die on the show...It seems like he is but who knows? They could pull a twist since we didn't actually see Dean kill Cain. Just a thought. I like to be prepared for anything.) He fought the battle and he won. And after everything? He was supposed to give the First Blade back to Crowley, but instead he gave it to someone he trusts; someone he knows will keep it away from him: Cas.
The one line that hurt the most after everything? It was Sam's line at the end of the episode. The very last line: "Cas, Dean's in trouble." They're all putting on brave faces, making it seem like everything's okay, even Dean won't admit something's wrong, but there is so much wrong. You could see how much Sam knows his brother is in trouble when Cas asked. Tears formed in his eyes. That's how pained he was to see his brother in the state he's in, even if he's trying to put on a brave face. He sees straight through him, and he should, he's his brother. Even as a viewer, you could see something was bothering Dean. Something was still eating at him inside, and he tries to play it off lightly, but it doesn't work. *I've seen a lot about Cas being Dean's Colette (In reference to Cain's wife) or Sam being Dean's Colette and I wanted to address this. I truly feel they are both Dean's Colette because they represent his family. It's not just one of them that's going to save him. They are both going to have to help save him and protect each other while they're at it. We've already seen that one Colette (again, in reference to Cain) wasn't enough to save him, so I think it's definitely going to take the team of both Sam and Cas to get Dean out of trouble.
Before getting into the actual story of the episode, I loved the new camera angle from the back of the Impala. It had that feeling that the viewer was actually sitting in the back of the Impala with Sam and Dean. It was a cool angle. I hope they use it more in the future.
Cain has certainly been busy. He's been killing many, many people. He definitely lost his bee farming peaceful state. He'll ultimately decimate humanity if he continues what he's doing. It's his way to make sure that his 'disease' doesn't continue to spread.
We got to see a bit of Cas hunting, torturing, and killing demons this episode for information on Cain and I loved that. He's learned everything he has from Sam and Dean, but we've never really gotten to see him do it on his own. And he definitely was successful since he was the one who found Cain. At the mere mention of a threat towards Dean, Cas pulled out his angel blade. He certainly wasn't going to let his friend die.
There was a bit of Crowley and Rowena thrown into the episode. She's been manipulating Crowley, which was pretty obvious, and Crowley noticed, too. All of this in order to get revenge on a witch she didn't like. Otherwise, there didn't seem to be much importance to it.
I loved that Crowley was back working with Dean, Sam, and Cas. Cas and Crowley's idea for the illusion spell was genius and it definitely fooled Cain, which was what they needed it to do. Luckily, the kid wasn't harmed. But of course, Dean had to lie to get him to help. It worked, though.
Dean Winchester, a complete badass, who always puts on that strong persona, admitted he was scared this episode to Sam. That was a huge moment and I really love what he said during it. "You know last week when I said I'd go down swinging? I'm at peace with that. I just didn't think the time would come so soon. I'm scared, Sam."
At the mention that Dean would try and kill Cain not even halfway into the episode, I knew this fight scene was going to be awesome, but also probably tough to watch. Dean was holding back, worried about succumbing to the darkness and to the Mark, but he knew that he needed to end this. He needed to kill Cain. For a while, I was very worried about the outcome. I may or may not have been cheering Dean on from my couch. (I care about the characters I love, what can I say?) That scene was so intense. I couldn't avert my eyes from the TV screen. Once Cain got the blade, things were looking to maybe not go Dean's way, but then Dean got smart. He saw the blade in Cain's jacket, he took it, and he saved himself. There was something he said before he killed him that stood out to me: "Tell me you can stop." To me, this line wasn't only addressed towards Cain, but he also was addressing it to himself. He wants to make sure he'll be okay in the end. And he did it. He killed Cain. (But is he really dead? We've seen plenty of times that people tend to not actually die on the show...It seems like he is but who knows? They could pull a twist since we didn't actually see Dean kill Cain. Just a thought. I like to be prepared for anything.) He fought the battle and he won. And after everything? He was supposed to give the First Blade back to Crowley, but instead he gave it to someone he trusts; someone he knows will keep it away from him: Cas.
The one line that hurt the most after everything? It was Sam's line at the end of the episode. The very last line: "Cas, Dean's in trouble." They're all putting on brave faces, making it seem like everything's okay, even Dean won't admit something's wrong, but there is so much wrong. You could see how much Sam knows his brother is in trouble when Cas asked. Tears formed in his eyes. That's how pained he was to see his brother in the state he's in, even if he's trying to put on a brave face. He sees straight through him, and he should, he's his brother. Even as a viewer, you could see something was bothering Dean. Something was still eating at him inside, and he tries to play it off lightly, but it doesn't work. *I've seen a lot about Cas being Dean's Colette (In reference to Cain's wife) or Sam being Dean's Colette and I wanted to address this. I truly feel they are both Dean's Colette because they represent his family. It's not just one of them that's going to save him. They are both going to have to help save him and protect each other while they're at it. We've already seen that one Colette (again, in reference to Cain) wasn't enough to save him, so I think it's definitely going to take the team of both Sam and Cas to get Dean out of trouble.
I didn't realize that Supernatural was hitting nearly a month hiatus after tonight's episode until today. I don't know how I'm going to survive this 'hellatus'. It returns Wednesday, March 18th, and of course, I'm definitely looking forward to its return. I'm also looking forward to where the show heads for the rest of the episodes. Tuesdays definitely became much less exciting with both The Flash and Supernatural on hiatus now, but it's only a (painful) month. If you need some show-related reading during the hiatus, may I recommend the post I recently put up about why the show has lasted so long? You can read it here. (Some shameless self-promo never hurts, especially during hiatus.) So, I will see you all with another Supernatural recap on March 18th, but don't worry, I won't be on hiatus. There will definitely be posts going up between now and then!
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*Edited in after the blog post was first posted
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*Edited in after the blog post was first posted
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