Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Arrow (Episode 3x14) Recap

I was definitely excited tonight for a number of reasons. We were going to see Slade again, Thea and Oliver on Lian Yu, some more of Tommy, and did I mention it's episode 60? I definitely felt that it would bring back some nostalgia from the first season, and it definitely did.

Let me just say, from the very beginning, I knew this episode was going to be great. Opening the episode with a great Thea and Oliver scene won me right away. I love that we got to see their relationship more. I also like we saw them argue a little bit also. That's what siblings are supposed to do. Thea wasn't going to accept him treating her like she couldn't handle things on her own. It was  funny when Thea asked what kind of psych would set traps on the island, and for her to find out Oliver himself had done it. That scene was also followed by Thea finally learning the truth about Sara's death and she has every right to know how evil a person Malcolm is. I'm so glad she knows now because now she truly sees just how much he was manipulating her. I like that she finally stood up to him, telling him how sick it was what he did. She's following her brother now, she trusts her brother. She will never call Malcolm her father again.

Slade, Slade, Slade. He promised he would make it out of the cell on the island, and oh boy he definitely did, with the help of Malcolm of course. Malcolm Merlyn, who again, never fails to be irritating. Shutting off any contact Oliver would have with anyone but Thea or Slade on the island by preventing him from making phone calls is so evil. Thea and Oliver fought well together against Slade, and it ultimately came down to Thea, a gun, and Slade on his knees, while Oliver desperately tried to prevent her from making a horrible decision. If she killed him, Slade's blood would be on her hands. Sara's wasn't. Oliver pulled her away from it. She didn't do what Malcolm wanted her to.

The flashbacks this entire episode brought so much nostalgia. I really enjoyed seeing Oliver in Starling City with Maseo and seeing what was going on while he was gone. We knew Tommy essentially became Thea's older brother while Oliver was thought to be dead, but to actually get to see it now was so great. Seeing Thea at her dad and Oliver's grave also broke my heart. He was watching over them, making sure they were okay. And oh man, the scene where he saw Felicity in the office at Queen Consolidated and commented that Oliver was cute in one of the pictures. His smile after that. You could tell that he liked her from the start (not romantically, of course), but as a person. We also saw Oliver make his first kill at Starling City in order to prevent anyone from finding out about him being alive. Younger Lance was in this episode as well and he was so against Tommy, so against that 'party, bad boy' type because he was grieving over Sara, and not grieving well at all. He developed an alcohol problem because of it and wasn't dealing well. We also got to see the beginnings of Laurel and Tommy's romantic relationship, which was cute.

We were brought back to Starling City to see that Lance still wasn't dealing well with the news about Sara, again. He's also mad that Laurel didn't tell him sooner, which is understandable.

I sinceriously (caught my little through in of Stephen's word) loved and thoroughly enjoyed that episode. It was nostalgic, it had intense scenes, it brought people back that I missed seeing on the show, and it had some very important truths told. Next week looks to be an exciting one with the Atom suit reveal and some intense stuff with Malcolm and Ra's so we'll see how that goes!

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