Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Flash (Episode 1x10) Recap

Happy Tuesday! It's finally January 20th which means that Tuesday night television is back to being one of my favorite nights with The Flash and Supernatural. I've been counting down the days till the CW shows were back and the day is finally here. Some other good news is that The Flash, Supernatural, and Arrow have all been renewed for another season (which I must say, I'm not surprised), but that means more recaps!

I decided to add something a little bit new to the recaps to allow them to be more unique to others. Plus, it's a new year, it's nice to change things up every once in a while. Each recap will now have an 'expectations' portion. Basically, this will be what I thought the episode would contain based off the promo that was given for it. Promos can be misleading, so I may be completely wrong in some cases, or I may be right, but I think it'd be interesting to give my take on what I thought would occur before actually delving into what actually occurred.

I was aware that certain things in the promo would be happening within the course of the first few episodes rather than the first episode of the show's return. I also knew that the episode would focus on Captain Cold and Heat Wave. From the promo, I think that we'll be meeting a new love interest for Barry, as well as seeing how his relationship with Iris is because she did reject him in the midseason finale. The villains shown in the promo look very interesting and entertaining, as well as providing an introduction to more of the characters from the Rogues, a team of villains from the comics. and I'm particularly excited to see the introduction of the Pied Piper, both because I've always liked the character and because I like the actor. From the promo, it looked like a very good and interesting episode.

I enjoyed seeing the police force interact with the Star Labs Team. This came with seeing Cisco be a bit of a nerd about the cool weapons and things they have. I love that there was that interaction and that they got along so well. There was also a bit of a disagreement between Joe and Wells, which definitely leads me to believe that Joe isn't the biggest fan of Wells either. Barry should be out there to fight Captain Cold, not ignore him on the sidelines like Wells said and proceed his training. To me it seemed like Wells was trying to hold Barry back from fulfilling what he should really do. Joe knows Barry, and I think he summed up Barry perfectly when he told Wells: "You know what makes Barry so special? He wants to help everyone he can... however he can." Something Wells is telling him not to do.

Barry's powers are so cool to begin with, saving the city, double check on the awesome level, but to be able to clean a room or read 800 pages in a matter of maybe 10 seconds, would be beyond useful to have and I'm extremely jealous of those capability, because like I said, beyond awesome.

There was definitely a little bit of tension between Iris and Barry because now how he feels is out in the open. It's upsetting to see Barry upset, but I like how Joe stepped in to be that fatherly figure again, offering Barry some advice about how he was feeling and about how Iris is still moving in with Eddie. You can tell that Iris has some level of feelings for Barry, especially the way she looked after him in certain scenes.

I like that Caitlin isn't giving up on Ronnie and what's going on with him. She's still interested in seeing if he's okay, where he is, what he is. I like that Barry helped her to find information on what exactly the acronym Firestorm means. Unfortunately, she was caught in a predicament leaving after getting more information when she was captured by Captain Cold and Heat Wave. The look on Barry's face when he got the call that Caitlin was missing and taken by Captain Cold is so important because it shows how much he cares about her and I just really love their relationship.

I need to point out Caitlin's strength and attitude towards Heat Wave. She had no problem standing up to him and I loved that. I love that yes, she was tied to a chair, but she wasn't going to sit silent. And you sure as hell bet Barry wouldn't leave her to die. Because of this, The Flash's unplanned "coming out" happened as the entire police force saw that he was an actual person and he did actually exist, not just a red streak that was magically saving the city.

While Barry fought off Captain Cold and Heat Wave in a really cool series of scenes, Joe and Cisco went to save Caitlin, nearly killing themselves in the process, but definitely saving him. Also, Eddie did help save Barry in the fight, so I have to give him some points for that. There's definitely a change in the way Eddie views the Flash, and I hope that relationship grows.

I wasn't expecting the ending to get me as emotional as it did, but the scene where Iris left with Eddie was such a good scene, especially where Barry talks about the future and how everything will be okay. Not to mention that Iris takes the photo of her and Barry with her to the new house. I love, love, love Joe and Barry's relationship and I'm so happy Barry moved into Joe's house. Their father-son dynamic is such a great one.

When that date Barry's supposed to have will happen... I'm not sure. But overall, it was a great episode that I really enjoyed. And that ending... I can't wait to see what comes next. I'm so excited for next week because the Pied Piper is in the episode, so we shall see what he brings with him.


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