Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Flash Episode 1x07

Prior warning as usual that spoilers are ahead.

It only made sense to begin tonight's episode of The Flash showing the ways Barry takes advantage of his speed, yet, he's still doing good in Central City because that's what he does with his powers. His ability to use it for the other perks it comes with is just that, it's a perk. Then, he loses his powers, forced to be without them for a period of time due to Blackout, a newly introduced villain who was struck by electricity during the accelerator explosion, giving him the power of electrocution. His feeding off of Barry decreased his powers, taking him from being able to run at supersonic speed to now running just as everyone else does, and even slower than the normal human. He faced the scare of no longer having that ability, of no longer being able to save people, when two of the people he cares most about, Joe and Iris, were in danger. 

One thing in particular that I loved about this episode was Barry talking about being the Flash, how much it means to him to be able to do something good. The passion he had in his voice about it, he cared so much about his ability, not for the perks, but because he was able to save people's lives. The way Caitlin looked at him as he was telling her was absolutely perfect. You could tell how intrigued she was in what he was saying, how captivated she was by his passion for being the Flash. I genuinely loved that scene and I think it's such an important one, eventually down the line if we do get any Barry and Caitlin relationship that goes beyond Team Flash. Barry's powers weren't necessarily gone just because of the fact that he was drained by Blackout, but also because he had started to no longer believe in himself. It was a mental thing, aside from the physical aspect. He was thinking about his powers too much, he needed to connect to them. Caitlin helped him with that, she believes in him, it's up to him to believe in himself. 

The Clock King was another villain introduced in this episode. Perhaps the more scary of the two because he appeared to be so mentally insane. Not only that, but he's such a creepy character. He did threaten Eddie's life, but in the end, everything was okay. Blackout on the other hand seemed to be more of a pain in the ass who couldn't stop feeding rather than an actual villain. I still did like his character, especially because it revealed the hostility he felt towards Wells after what happened that night, after so many people died. 

I love that Barry stood up to Wells about how he shouldn't of let Tony Woodward die. He shouldn't of let him be a pawn. He's starting to see the true nature of Wells, which even we don't know, and that's going to be interesting to see play out. Although, in the end, he did finally admit that everything that happened that night was his fault, whether he truly meant it or not, and that all those people died because of him. Wells is still such a shady character. We gained some insight to his possible motives from the last scene where he took blood from Blackout, who was able to steal the Flash's powers. It'll be interesting to see what happens relating to this. 

Among all of this, I'm so, so excited for the Flash Vs. Arrow crossover next week. It is something that I've been looking forward to ever since it was announced, but the promos have been making me even more excited. The people who saw it at the event they did said they loved it, that it was like a movie, and I'm looking forward to getting to see it myself next week. With that, next week shall be a fun one. 


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