Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Arrow - "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak" - Recap

Let me start out by saying I was extremely excited about tonight's episode of Arrow. I love Felicity, and I was so excited to hear more of her backstory. (Also changed around the style of writing the recaps a bit.)

Mama Smoak. I love her. She's so funny and entertaining to watch. Especially when interacting with Felicity. I was so happy when her and Oliver finally met. I love her. She did her best to protect Felicity and stand up for her against Cooper. I hope we get to see more of her in the future.

Felicity. Let's start with her home. Her house is beautiful. I literally fell in love with it as soon as they showed it, and I wanted to own it. I did not expect Felicity to have dark hair, wear all black, and dark makeup in her past, nor did I expect her to have dated a guy who was arrested by the FBI for the super virus that she actually wrote. I do understand it though, because she is one of the best computer hackers/virus stoppers ever, let's be honest, so it makes sense for her to have been part of a hacker group in college. I felt so bad for Felicity when Oliver was asking her if her ex-boyfriend, Cooper, could have possibly spread the virus and she had to say that he had killed himself out loud. (Turns out he didn't, but more on this later.) Oliver didn't know, but he definitely felt guilty for asking after he found out. I just absolutely loved the fact that we got an entire episode dedicated to Felicity. When she got away from Cooper towards the end and punched him, that was great because she was showing a little bit of her badass side and I loved it. She's such a fantastic character.

Felicity and Mama Smoak. Emily and Charlotte's scene in Queen Consolidated was fantastic. I absolutely loved that scene. It was definitely one of my favorite scenes in the entire episode, although it's definitely hard to choose because I loved this episode in its entirety so much.

Thea. I like that Thea told Oliver she can be her own person, but I do think that Oliver has every right to be worried about her because he doesn't know that she's been training with Malcolm. I loved the bonding scene between her and Oliver at the end where he brings popcorn over to her place to watch a movie. I think their brother and sister bonding scenes are so important to their relationship growing stronger.

Oliver and Felicity. I love that Oliver told Felicity to go and fix things with her mother after he finds out about their argument in Queen Consolidated. He knows how important family is and he knows how important it is for Felicity to have family in her life. Oliver was so concerned about Felicity the majority of the episode, especially after her and her mother were kidnapped by Cooper. I will never get over how happy their relationship makes me, even if they aren't a couple right now. The scene towards the end when Oliver asks if she's okay, and that no matter what happened in her past, he's glad that it made her the person she is today, because she knows how he feels about that person made me smile so much. Honestly, just wow, I loved that scene.

Cooper. The fact that he was actually alive after everything surprised me more than it should have, but it was most likely due to the fact that I was focusing more on Felicity and not him. When Felicity and Donna were kidnapped, it honestly didn't come as a thought that he would be behind it, but it definitely should have because who actually dies on this show? Not a lot of people.

Ray. His smart watch with wifi that he gave to Donna Smoak did help save Felicity and Donna's life and for that I am grateful. I'm still on the fence about his true character. I just feel like there's just something shady about him.

Team Arrow. What is there to say? They kicked ass again.

The ending. The way the episode ended, with Roy dreaming that he was the one to kill Sara. What a way to end an episode and make me so excited to watch next week's episode.

Favorite Quotes:
"Felicity, I'm glad you had to go through whatever experiences you did because they shaped the woman you are today, and you know how I feel about her." - Oliver Queen to Felicity Smoak

We'll see what happens next week, especially with that ending...


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