First off, I want to say how proud I am of how this show has matured and only gotten better over time. I've loved it since I saw the pilot and that love has only grown. The character development, plot development, and everything about it in general has been so great to watch. So congratulations to the writers, directors, crew, and entire cast on 50 great episodes so far. Here's to another 50 and beyond.
Nyssa already had my heart breaking in the beginning. Seeing her in pain over Sara's death made the opening scenes sad and emotional. Sara's leather jacket was given to her by Nyssa as a gift, and that added to the emotions of the scene. Laurel and Nyssa definitely butted heads a little bit in this episode regarding telling Quentin about Sara's death. However, they did agree that Merlyn needed to be killed.
Speaking of Quentin, it makes me so sad that he doesn't know Sara's dead, especially because of the phone call at the end of the episode.
Oliver finally learns the truth that Malcolm Merlyn is alive from Nyssa, which is big news for him since he believed he was dead for so long. Team Arrow (minus Felicity plus Nyssa) went after Jansen to find out where Malcolm Merlyn was, but instead found Malcolm himself instead. Not only was their a minor confrontation with Merlyn when this scene occurred, but there was a face-to-face confrontation between Oliver and Malcolm. Malcolm hit a few of Oliver's sore spots, saying that he was too busy being the Arrow that he couldn't protect Thea. Merlyn also said he wasn't Sara's killer, and to be honest, I actually believe he was telling the truth and also because he swore on Thea's life. It doesn't make sense for him to kill Sara, there's no need for him to, and like he said, he came to protect Thea.
I completely understand why Laurel is feeling vengeful and wants Merlyn dead, but she has no right to tell Oliver that he has to kill him. That's not part of how he goes about being the Arrow now.
Thea lied to Oliver's face about knowing that Merlyn is alive, and I don't like the fact she did that, but I understand why. She knows that Malcolm isn't a good person, and she knows Oliver would be mad if she did tell him. He's definitely going to find out eventually, and it's how he reacts that'll be interesting.
There was a little Thea and Roy moment before Nyssa came and interrupted it. I don't like the fact she took Thea, however, it was nice to see Oliver go and help free Thea. Malcolm went to save her too, which was no surprise. No prison can hold Malcolm Merlyn, Oliver knows that and he also can't bring himself to break his vow to not kill. Obviously Oliver's struggling with this, because he knows Malcolm's a murderer, but Malcolm's also Thea's biological father.
Oliver wants to find the person who killed Sara and wants to punish that person, but he wants to punish the right person. He also says that he will protect Malcolm Merlyn as long as he is in the Arrow's city, which definitely doesn't make him the League of Assassins favorite person.
Felicity returns towards the end of the episode, and I missed her for the beginning, but I'm happy she's back now. I like that we got a few more Oliver and Thea moments in this episode. And the final Roy and Thea conversation was great too. I want at least their friendship back.
Nyssa is fully convinced that Merlyn killed Sara, and she's unable to see it any other way. And the ending of the episode... we finally meet Ras al Ghul who seems as though he is definitely going to be a pain in the ass. The war between Team Arrow and the League seems as though it is soon to begin.
Favorite Moment:
Hands down when Felicity walked in. Oliver had such a dumb smile on his face that I couldn't help but smile even wider than I already was.
Favorite Quote:
Diggle: "You have Felicity running remote from Central City?"
Oliver: "No. She told me an idiot could run it."
Diggle: "I will try very hard not to take that personally."
What did you think of the 50th episode? Until episode 51...
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
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