Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Supernatural (Episode 10x12) Recap

Two words for tonight: Teen Dean. The promo showed an interesting episode featuring him and I was excited to see exactly what the storyline entailed, which I guessed would include witches. And the episode was definitely a good one.

The brother dynamic was mentioned quite a bit. One thing mentioned was Sam's belief in the Easter Bunny until he was 11 1/2. You know why? Because of Dean. Dean probably hid the eggs every year. Dean made sure his brother could keep some childhood experience in his life. It was all Dean.

Also, Dean's room being messy? His room is usually extremely clean all the time. This is a Dean who is so desperate to find a way to get rid of the mark that he even googled how to remove a scar. This scar is completely different, something that's come from the Bible that isn't going anywhere. He spent a week in the Bunker, desperately trying to find something because he's finding it hard to live with himself with the Mark. Not to mention that Teen Dean also didn't have the Mark, and Dean was actually considering staying that way just to make sure he didn't have to deal with it.

Dylan Everett, who plays Teen Dean, nailed everything. He got all of Jensen's expressions and Dean's attitude down so well, I really enjoyed watching him this episode. He had some great lines. I also really loved the scenes he and Jared had together. The brotherly banter in this episode was too good. I loved every bit of it. And Sam's expressions were priceless. They mentioned that Dean "woke up looking like Bieber" and that he liked the Taylor Swift song he heard on the bus. Sometimes I question if this show is real, if the lines are real. It was all very entertaining.

It took me a little while to figure out that the man was Hansel. When I put the cake, sweets, and kids together, I realized that it might have been him working for the witch, and that was confirmed a little while later. I liked the plot line, but I liked the fact that it used a hex bag to bring Teen Dean into the picture more than the characters of Hansel and the Witch. Basically, Teen Dean stole the show in this one. Also, Teen Dean being turned back into normal Dean wearing the clothes Teen Dean was wearing (Did that make sense? I hope it did.) was such a great thing. The hoodie looked good, he should definitely keep it.

The girl Tina he met in the beginning of the episode, who was also turned back to her teenage self, got that second chance to do her life over, since the hex bag was burned. Something I'm sure Sam and Dean wish they could do for so many reasons. That makes me sad because they can't get rid of the hell they've been through. This is their life.

That ending. Only this show, I swear. Never did I ever think we would see Dean Winchester driving off in Baby to Taylor Swift's Shake It Off. Never. I'm so glad they brought the reference back. It was gold.

Next week's episode looks good, but tonight's... tonight's episode was just so great. It had a lightheartedness to it, though small, that we haven't had for a few episodes and I really enjoyed it. Definitely a favorite for this season. Also, next week seems to be aiming to send a message to not text and drive, which is an extremely important message, so I'm glad to see they're doing something with it. That's all for Supernatural. See you all tomorrow with an Arrow recap!

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