Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Arrow (Episode 3x10) Recap

Wednesdays are back! I was looking forward to Arrow returning, due to what happened in the midseason finale, and also because the promos looked to bring something a little bit different to the show. Also, the usual disclaimer: spoilers are ahead.

So, what are my expectations? I'm expecting this episode, and the next few episodes, to allow that other main characters the shine. This is not to say they don't shine while Oliver is around, but it allows the viewers to gain more insight to who they'll become and what role they'll take in the time that Oliver is gone. I'm also really looking forward to seeing how each character individually reacts, which has been hinted at in the promo. Stephen Amell also addressed that the Lazarus Pit won't be used to bring Oliver back, so what will? We've seen that there are many magical healing herbs, so there's the possibility of that. Not to mention that we did see Oliver packing them before he left.

I think the promo definitely stayed true to the episode without giving too much away. Felicity was someone who had me emotional from the very beginning. She believed Oliver would be back. She wouldn't let herself think there was any chance he wouldn't be. When she ran through the door to the lair, hoping that it would be Oliver who opened the door, you could see and hear how much she wanted it to be him. The despair in her voice. I can't wait to see them eventually reunite. She was so emotional and nearly falling apart, but still keeping herself together, staying as strong as she possibly could, and I loved the way she conducted herself. She wasn't afraid to show she was upset, but she stood through it all.

I must say I don't trust a word he says about considering Oliver 'family' because the truth it, he 100% does not, and that's not hard to see at all. I never really have believed a word that's come out of his mouth. Someone who considers someone 'family' wouldn't threaten to release a video that would get their family member killed. Malcolm Merlyn is the reason why Oliver Queen is dead. Felicity stood up to him, giving him the cold truth about how horrible the things Malcolm has done are, and I'm so glad she did.

Ray Palmer annoyed me a little bit again this episode. Mainly because he failed to see the blatantly obvious fact that Felicity was upset about something and didn't ask what was wrong, if she was alright. The things Felicity said weren't the best to say to him, but he failed to see that she was going through something. What she was saying wasn't intended to be directed towards him. It was fully and completely directed towards herself, trying to tell herself that Oliver wasn't coming back. Diggle comforted her, though, and hey, that's what true friends are for.

I loved the Roy and Diggle fight scenes throughout the episode. Diggle was finally in a suit, although it was Oliver's. They're definitely something we haven't gotten a lot of, so I'm glad we get some now. The scene between Roy and Thea, where she asks if Roy could ask the Arrow to help find Oliver broke my heart. Thea doesn't know that her own brother is the Arrow, let alone that he's dead. Part of me wishes a conversation between Roy and Thea could have happened where they were both grieving Oliver's death, but another part of me is glad it did' because it definitely would have been emotional.

The Laurel and Diggle moment at the end was also another emotional moment for me. And with that scene also came Laurel's mindset to become the Black Canary, and shortly after, her first scene as the Black Canary, which I'm excited to see more of. The threat to Starling City for the course of the next sum of episodes was announced as Danny Brickwell, who looks to be an interesting foe.

I'm so happy that it was Maseo to help save Oliver. I had a feeling it would be and I'm extremely glad it was. I'm not that surprised that they brought Oliver back at the end of this episode, mainly because he was already dead for a few days, so Maseo would have to have Tatsu bring him back soon, but I think that it's going to be a few more episodes till he returns to Starling City. He's going to have to get his strength back, and who knows what the consequences will be of him coming back to life?

The preview for next week looks good, and seems to involve us seeing more of Laurel as the Black Canary, which I'm excited for. Also, her costume is insanely awesome. Definitely looking forward to seeing her development as a hero and next week's episode in general!


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