Zoom's back in Earth-1 and intends to take over Central City, so Barry and Wells develop an extremely dangerous plan to stop him. While Joe thinks Barry can handle it, Harry is very opposed to Barry risking his life again. Cisco's also meeting his brother Dante's doppelgänger, Rupture, when he vibes him. He's seeking justice for Reverbs death. Iris also opens up about something during the episode. Lots going on in tonight's episode, so here's how it went down.
The Debate Over Barry's Speed.
Using a hologram system, Cisco, Iris, and Barry are going after criminals without The Flash being there. This way, the cops can get to the criminals, but Barry obviously isn't actually fighting against them. Wells has a different idea regarding the Flash. He wants to recreate the particle accelerator explosion that is contained. He knows how everything needs to work using Wells' older reports.
While Joe believes the decision is Barry's and that he can handle it, Henry's concerned that Barry may end up in a coma again, or worse. Barry walks in on their argument and says that this decision is entirely his own and he knows that they all care about him, but he needs this to be his own choice.

Barry goes to visit Henry in his log cabin using a car and he tells him that he no longer has his powers because he gave them up to save Wally. Henry's missed a lot, so Barry basically gives him a quick rundown. He mentions Wells' idea and he's against Barry getting struck by lightning again. Barry feels like every time something good happens, it's taken away, and maybe it's time something's done about that. Henry also thinks that maybe he'll move back for good.
Iris' Feelings.
After Barry goes off to think, Iris goes after him to talk. Barry thought having his dad there would make things easier, but it hasn't. Iris doesn't know what she'd do if she has go through not having Barry around again. She tells him that he always has her to come home to and she's been thinking about the idea of them a lot lately. She knows what the future says, but she doesn't care if he's the Flash or not. She just wants to see if she has a future with him. Not the Flash. Barry Allen, if that's what he wants, too.
Zoom's Return.
Zoom shows up at CCPD and orders everyone to tell the entire city to obey him. Because of Caitlin, no one gets killed, at least not right now. Wells knows Zoom's plan and is worried that the exact same thing that happened on Earth-2 will soon happen to Earth-1. Meanwhile, Zoom is still keeping Caitlin around (albeit handcuffed), but she's company for him and he also claims to see a darkness inside of her. After informing her that Rupture will attack Jitters, Caitlin gets her hands on a phone from a box under one of the desks in CCPD and alerts the team of the attack.
Zoom, obviously unhappy after finding out what Caitlin did, goes to Jitters and kills Rupture (because he failed) and some of the police officers. Being that the news is there, the public also gets a message. The Flash is gone. They have to obey him. If they don't, well... watch out. He doesn't hurt any of the Team, but threatens that if they try anything against him again, no one will be able to save them.

After seeing Dante in a vibe, Cisco goes to see him to see what's been new. Their relationship is still the same. They're distant. While they're leaving the bar, Dante's Earth-2 doppelgänger shows up and it's time to meet Rupture. He wants Cisco dead because he thinks that Vibe killed Reverb. Cisco's also got to figure out how to explain this all to his brother. He tells him about how he went to another earth and how he's a metahuman. There really is no easy way to explain these things, is there?
Being that Barry decides to not go through with the particle accelerator explosion at this point, they're going to have to face off against Rupture without the Flash. Using the hologram system, they're able to disorient Rupture enough for CCPD to take him down.
After Cisco and Dante both witness what happens, they agree that they want things to change. They're brothers and they want their relationship to be one of brothers, not strangers. So their relationship should be closer beyond this point.
The Beginning of Jesse Quick and Kid Flash.
While Zoom's in town, Wells and Joe want to make sure Wally and Jesse are safe, so they'll be staying in one of those hidden rooms in STAR Labs. They both want to help, but they can't find a way out of the room. Jesse's pretty "quick" at solving problems, so she'll see what she can do. And, Jesse's able to open the door and her and Wally are through, just as the Particle Accelerator is exploding.
As they're running away from the explosion, Jesse and Wally are hit and it seems that we'll be getting Kid Flash and Jesse Quick faster than we expected, which I am super excited for.
Getting His Speed Back.
Initially, Barry was hesitant, but after seeing what Zoom did in Jitters, Barry decides that he wants his powers back. He needs to stop Zoom. So, the particle accelerator explosion will occur. They're creating their own lightning since there isn't a storm outside. So, into the contraption Barry goes and onto the roof Cisco goes to conduct lightning. Before the machine starts, Iris tells him that no matter what happens, it won't change the way she feels about him, and Barry tells his dad that being the Flash is the best version of himself he can be and he has to do this.
And the explosion begins, and then, as the process is occurring, Barry just... disappears. Completely vanishes. What. An. Ending.
Next week on The Flash, the Team is trying to find Barry's location, wherever the force landed him, and bring him back home, so we'll see how that goes down then. These next few episodes leading up to the finale should be great, so I'm very excited. Great, great episode tonight. Lots going on, but so many new and awesome things happening.
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.
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